Yea this is a reality, if it doesn't launch with it they implement it soon after. I know GW2 has been fighting this but eventually they will have to do the same unless they want to continue diminishing.
Yea it has some issues to work out before it's a real alternative to building your own group. Namely that it doesn't force a particular composition (at the least requiring a cleric if not cleric and gf/gwf).
Well it's going to take significantly more people complaining than you in one thread to get this changed. Ignoring the fact that how the government works and how a private company works are completely different.
The screenshot posted exactly backs up what we are saying, notice the buffed stats is before they've joined the queue and the reduced when they are in the pvp zone. NO companions in pvp.
It's debated as to which is better, cat or ioun of allure. The cat gives more crit and recovery but the stone gives power. Stone has an idol slot whereas the cat has a belt slot. So it really depends on what stats you're looking for, what you're hitting diminishing returns on, etc.
Do not assume the two you encountered are the same as all of them. "knock back spec" doesn't even exist - all it takes is having shield pulse as one of your encounter abilities to be able to knock back. Unless you're a moron using Ice Storm (instead of singularity to pulse). You can do both tons of damage and control and…
I doubt they'll ever let you modify the rewards as that just leads to exploiting it. The primary reason for the foundry is story telling, adventure creating - basically what D&D is supposed to be about. Not loot collection.
The queue really does need work. It should let you requeue if someone drops in the middle and replace lost players instead of just potentially ruining the dungeon run. That being said, you don't even need a tank for that fight if you have a wizard and cleric.
I'm not sure why you're assuming the 'stock' drow will be 'feeble'. They should be stat wise identical to the renegades. It's just a visual thing. I think they're naming the racial 'dark fire' instead of 'faerie fire' but it should do the same thing. And yea there already is a lore justification for it anyway, so go yell…
If it's not intended on that fight then the devs are complete morons. Most games don't have mobs take falling damage or trap damage to begin with. They certainly wouldn't limit you to a small space surrounded by instant mob kill mechanic if they didn't want you to use it on mobs.
No the renegade drow is a unique race option only available to founders with that $200 offer. It's not the same as the drow race (though stat-wise should be, appearance/background will not be).