Ok I'll weigh in on this thread, I DO play a cw in pvp, and yes sometimes I can handle gwf/TR/HR, thpough certain combo's in the right hands when pugs have players who know their skill and work - as a team - mean that being a cw means you can't combat it, especially when you have people on your team who are lower geared…
Lootable item list, now that sounds like a conspiracy if I ever heard one, what happened to random loot generator, leads me to believe its rigged - and frankly considering some of the decisions lately.... (I'll let someone else figure that out).
Yea kinda sounds that way, haven't had one drop in kessel's so not sure IF they do yet, if the set bonus was on ANY damage then it could be fair, considering that you only take blackice damage in IWD areas it make's the point of farming for one kind of bleh, and also take into consideration that once you get to those gear…
Glad I got people thinking about solutions rather than the problem, we all know what the problems are, solutions are much harder to find, and yeah chain CC'd to death is no fun for anyone (and CW's can do that too), in their defense in that respect however it takes quite good gear and quite a lot of DPS to manage - its…
Yes I too am pleased with this change to the drops in kessel, I was doing IWD pvp as well to get one, however getting one in kessel's may be a lot easier to then find out if the set bonus is truly worthwhile (I'm undecided at this point).
IMHO and I have done enough pvp to know, its not just the prones, if for example you have hr & gwf or tr and gwf working together they can effectively prone & cc any class till death, the gwf knocks down (every skill is crossed out) the tr can then smoke bomb (same deal) while gwf kills, or in the hr case the hr fires the…
Then it really makes you wonder why did they purposely destroy a mostly stable economy, perhaps they did not envision this - but that is no doubt the end effect, they created a demand that will always be greater than the supply. Perhaps 'wonderful' if you think that paying $10 for a coalescent ward is a good thing (the zen…
Just glancing over the Auction now and we see the ripple effect, price of many things has gone up by a factor of 2, this spells doom, out of reach for many players when they realize the true cost of things. So we see the death of many things AH oriented therefore leaving very few options for enhancing your characters. The…
To be able to buy the banners you need too have - 1. Battlefield Artifact Seal (obtained from the pvp campaign, complete 7 taks in either Domination/Icewind/Gauntlgrym grants the seal) 2. 40k Glory to purchase another after original purchase of the cache which I think contains one anyway. So basically, go pvp, get your…
Went into Icewind pass (more heroic spawns), & Dwarven Valley, no lag at all, skills working fine - except shard - it can still stick sometimes, its like the cast of the spell finishes and you expect to push and it pushes before the shard has appeared, does not do it all the time, and yes I did see one stick on terrain but…
My favourite was the 'DM' in Respen's Marvellous Game event, I was laughing the whole time thinking back to when I played pnp - in the late 80's/early 90's when I was younger. He really nailed the ridiculous well, combined it with sarcasm and then add in the 'save the princess' and you have a recipe for fun, in some ways…
There ya go great idea, and its not really that hard too implement either since they have done this with the Banner artifact seals - Seal of the Battlefield, well done I applaud your potential solution to an obvious problem :).
Try using thaum feats - especially the major feat - the -15% mitigation with Conduit of Ice, great debuff, then entangle and your at will Ice, thats pretty **** sapping if you ask me, and then locks the target is place, then drop shard, move it back forward - boom! What I said just there works, and it kills, and it saps...
I agree with this, the droprate for gloves, or method for getting the gloves is not well thought out, I got gloves on my dc, which I hardly play, yet on my cw which im almost always playing, got a couple of non-class epic items, no gloves. Theoretically, you could never get the gloves and never have a blackice set of…
Take a step back and think about the design of it for a second - when you die in open pvp, you got back to the nearest safe point, which is not in open pvp, ganking occurs frequently, people go in to complete quests and get out quick because of this or die in the undertaking of the quest, therefore the population is never…
Just so you know, my DC (High prophet set - 11.7k gs) got gloves other day, so it is possible, that is not my main however which is a CW and has done far many more encounters and gotten some epic items, but never one that is actually class related, once again its random, sometimes you are lucky, more times you are not.
I had an instance where the key did get used and yet the chest was already 'unlocked' from a dd, yet the dd finished just before we finished the dungeon so it got used, that is the only time I've seen the key get used when in reality it shouldn't have been as the chest was already unlocked.
I'm in agreement with shard, its broken, many pushes, little result, I have noticed IF its going to work, its the 2nd push, rest of the time its mostly non functional, and if you feeling really lucky and have rolled a 20 you get it first time. This problem is mostly evident in Icewind pass afaik, I have done a couple of…
OS: Win7 GFX: XFX ATI 5850 (stable oc core 850mhz) Location: Victoria, Australia Connection: Iprimus ADSL2 8Mb/s down, 1Mb/s up Icewind pass disconnects - seems to disconnect, whenever it feels like it today, the cryptic nettest is obviously not good, but then that is not a great indicator (it doesn't really provide any…
Ok let me put this simply for you, I have played pvp extensively at times, when you have multi OP chracters within certain parties, (yes I'm talking about gwf/gf/tr or even multi hr combined with the previous) that constantly disable or are immune or perm invis while others get the beat down on, the the simple fact is that…
Your inner classic D&D character: Khelben “Blackstaff” Arunson You are Khelben “Blackstaff” Arunson from Forgotten Realms! Like Khelben, you are powerful, mysterious, and intimidating. You like to see justice served – even if your methods make some people squeamish. yep, that about explains why I like CW, people call for…
Client: Server's down Server: Correct, thank you, come again. Client: Server's down Server: Correct, thank you, come again. Client: Server's down Server: Correct, thank you, come again.
No its most probable that because of the complexity of the game, it requires more checks, and considering its userbase, (global server), I would imagine that it takes sometime to actually go through it all, and they have to make sure they get it right, it is not designed to go down, therefore takes longer to get it back up…
In almost eery single epic dungeon, knockbacks of some kind and timed well are essentially too survival - for not just the CW, for other party members, sure the melee guys might lose agro for a second, but remember there are 5 people in the party and sometimes as a ranged character CW see what is going on better than melee…
btw I never said I was quitting, just venting a little frustration, I'm sure that there are many who feel the same, so I've just been playing less (and playing mwomercs quite a bit - its good fun). I have noticed a distinct reduction in the amount of players I see in game as compared to when open beta first started,…