From what I heard in alliance chat, the bug is caused when a pumpkin has a charm and a mask, and only the charm is taken. So if you get a pumpkin with both, take both so as not to bug it...
I've found switching to 32-bit solves the sound loss problem in Well of Dragons during dragon runs, but other than that, I haven't noticed any difference as far as speed and stability goes...
I'd like to join either Greycloaks or Blackcloaks. I've PM'd @hastur905 in-game, but for some reason I seem to be unable to receive pm's. Lvl 70 DC, S'ara Divinia@eltech
There used to be some sort of 'slow down' bug with mounts, the last year or so, maybe it's never been fixed? I've taken to running it on foot, might miss a couple of the small gates, but seems to have much better speed.
I just bought it, and it does unlock everything, it's just the journal entry and campaign window say 60% complete, so it's more of a display bug, it seems.
I used to get them at Walmart in Canada, about 2 years ago. Then the $50 cards sort of disappeared, and after a while I couldn't find any. I just switched to Paypal after that...
It could be your video card going bad, I've had that happen, it only manifested while under load, such as in games. For regular desktop stuff it was fine.
Not sure, but I think you may have to do the Neverdeath Graveyard quests first, since Common Cause gives random quests, some of which are the Neverdeath ones.
Lots of people have all kinds of ideas about how to 'solve' this problem. If it really were as easy as some think it is, the bots and sellers would have been gone decades ago. For ever person who has a potential solution, there are probably a dozen spammers working to break it as soon as it's implemented.
It can also depend on the browser. I tried using Firefox on Android, the forum would ask for the PIN, I'd switch to email app to get it, switch back to Firefox and the page would refresh, generating a new PIN. Now I just browse not logged in.
If you're referring to the Demonic Ichor, from Demonic encounters in WoD, Dreadring, etc, there's actually a 400/week cap on earning, so the Element gear is a lot faster to get a full set of, to hold you over till you get enough Ichor to buy all the Drowcraft stuff.
I logged into Well of Dragons ok, just after the server came back up, but it was laggy as hell. Logged out, and back in about 10 minutes after that, all has been well so far.