I approved the app, although you could have alternatively contacted a member in game. ;) Check the comment on your application for additional details. We are still looking for more active players to join us for Gauntlgrym. We only want players that log in regularly, so don't bother to apply if you almost never play folks.…
Re-opening recruitment for all classes at this time. We only want active players, so don't bother applying if you barely play or can't use Mumble. We will be doing T2 dungeon runs all week outside of delves as well. If you are looking for a guild that will be active when Gauntlgrym becomes available, please join now and…
We are temporarily opening recruitment to all classes, but are seeking consistently active players to fill those roles for Dungeon Delves and normal groups.
We're still seeking a few more active players for T2 and Castle Never. We also plan to make some adjustments to our class needs by this weekend, so please come back and have a look if we are not recruiting your specific class at this time. Again - we want active and mature members, don't bother applying if you just want a…
Our recruitment needs have been updated: Currently seeking 2 Great Weapon Fighters and 2 Divine Clerics. Applicants must be at least level 60 and active. Access to Tier 2 epic dungeons (8300 gear score minimum) is preferred but not required.
Your application was recently reviewed, you can find our Mumble server info on our forums. ;) We'll likely be back to normal tomorrow, after the server maintenance.
I imagine it wouldn't be hard to track the players that exploited this method of acquiring AD. The simple fix is ban all of them, they certainly deserve it. The economy will quickly sort itself out. They just need to leave the AH/exchange down until a proper hotfix is applied.
Current recruitment needs as of May 19, 2013: Currently seeking 2 Great Weapon Fighters, 2 Divine Clerics, 1 Trickster Rogue, and 1 Control Wizard. Applicants must be at least level 50 and active. If you are looking to run T2 and Castle Never this week, please give us a look. ;) We'll also be helping new 60's gear up to…
In our current state, I don't see us as a must have class in any party in the end game. We do decent sustained AoE damage over time as a DPS spec but as many others have mentioned, it basically ends there right now. We do have some half decent debuffs though, which stack well with other classes. Although our CC in general…
Our recruitment needs have just been updated, please take a look. Most of the guild is currently focused on epic dungeon content at this time, mainly in the T2+ range. We are very active in the evenings and on weekends.
Thanks for this bit of insight, bighalsy. Hopefully they'll come around to addressing this problem soon. I can't imagine they could go on much longer without releasing some kind of balancing changes... The issues are becoming far more obvious with each passing day.
I don't even know why I bother still... Without any feedback from the devs since BW3 on Sentinel issues, it almost seems hopeless at this point. They either need to fix the threat issues or entirely re-design the feats so that points are not blatantly wasted.
The current situation in T2 and Castle Never, with poor mechanics, makes the instances rather dull at times. I really don't know what Cryptic was thinking when they were addressing threat during alpha and closed beta. If a Sentinel was not meant to pull proper threat, they should at least give us feats that further buff…
Still looking for more to join us. Currently running T2's and Castle Never, while helping new 60's to gear. Selfish players need not apply, we're not the kind of guild that ignores members simply to progress.