I'm really talking about simple issues here, not cloth collisions or the morbid state of the mail system. Simply making a helm look like a helm & making boots look like boots. Why am I wearing 3 chest plates with no helm & goofy socks?
I find it odd that so many are saying they have not seen unscheduled downtime & that this has been the smoothest launch they have seen. I can only assume that they are casual players new to MMOs. Every recent MMO has launched with nary a hiccup. SWTOR had almost no crashes & most lag was fixed on the fly. GW2 was so smooth…
Maybe you need to check Webster's again. It is anything but fair to be one rolling against 4 other people who cant use the item. your chances of winning an item you will use are nil. Just so that they can force you to pay them for it on the auction house later "greed"
Your antisocial argument is laughable! If the Devs support this sort of behavior then why is it a need/greed/pass system at all, if they wanted to support your "Me generation" "new school" approach they would have made it a roll/pass system. I just love reading the justifications of the self absorbed. please get with…
Does everyone just pick a word out of a hat when they need one? It seriously seems like people use the word "trolling" for anything that bugs them these days. Trolling has a specific meaning & implies a specific type of intent on the part of the "troll". It comes from a fishing term, not your common bridge & dungeon…
ok, thanks ill check that. I am wondering if it allows you to go from adventure to custom & then back to adventure, perhaps you may not return to adventure until the quests end?
not really, all you would have to do is read the first sticky under news "Neverwinter Open Beta is now live. Log in and play now! Neverwinter Open Beta is now live and available for all players! Are you ready to log in and explore the Forgotten Realms? What are you most excited about? Leave us a comment and we'll see you…