Doesn't do much good... I've had 2 tickets already open and closed after more than a week each with no response... they are getting "auto" closed without any response or update. On my third now for the same thing and I expect the same result.
"Ugh. More "Bring a certain class to do the dungeon", terrible idea. If you aren't of that class/race, you aren't ever going to get a group." Obviously you could have multiple different NPC's not just 1 but it could be limited. And frankly this is the way things used to work... not everytime were you able to complete a…
Things you could add to epic dungeons to increase difficulty or force certain dynamics on the boss fights: 1) you don't have to make the boss harder or increase the adds to increase difficulty, you can alter the path to get there to force party diversity. a) make it so you have to have an inherent, not kit, "skill" aka,…
I'm totally un-impressed with the battle strike at 50 points. If that is our last ability it needs to cover a bigger area, particularly if its going to do less damage than it did in the last beta. Moving the stapble charge ability to needing 45 points is almost criminal. If these are the level of changes that are going to…
To me the real problem here seems to be a total lack of vision on this class. For there to be such a drastic change to this class since the last beta to me says they really don't know what they want this class to be, they were hugely off the mark in the first place, and whoever is beta testing fulltime is slacking hard.…
The GWF was by far more enjoyable in the last beta. I have to say at this point the only way I'd play one again would be the hope someone would come to their senses in the future which is a big question. Reminds me of the total re-work that got given to the Invunerable Tanker in CoH... totally eliminating the class vision…