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  • Guess what? This pet is in no way an adequate substitute for your inability to have a web portal that works. It is not even adequate as a symbol of all that we are losing with the Gateway being removed, especially the dice game.
  • When I started this game my brother challenged me to play it with only 1 character because I was famous for running insane numbers of alts in the long line of games from EQ up thru DAoC (and others) and on into WoW. I challenged myself to play it without spending a single penny (even though I spend money regularly in other…
  • I only have 1 character. I leveled up leadership the hard way. Now almost all of my reason for having it was simply dropped from game AFTER my huge investment. I never bot nor do I buy from bots. I WAS playing the game as much as I cared to. These changes will simply find me playing far less and perhaps stopping…
  • So my Leadership assets that I worked hard to get are now practically useless? I have been thinking about leaving for quite some time, but this will probably make it happen. I prefer to solo although I jump in and do dragon runs with others. I would not mind playing the game to get RAD, but I want to be able to do it…
  • I am not sure I understand the whole design approach to Module 6. To me it seems I have to level up to 70 to play the same content I was playing, and enjoying at level 60, only I am getting killed very often now where it was very rare before. I also am not happy that many trade tasks take longer than before even though my…
  • Zero. The only worthwhile challenge in this game is to play without spending money. If the prices ever reflect the proper value, I will spend money.
  • I believe there is more to the OP than many people are giving credit to. Even in real life I am more willing to kill people than steal. Granted, I can imagine circumstances that I would steal in, for example, if stealing Hitler's car would have prevented his invasion of Poland for instance. On the other hand, if I was…
  • MMOs have gotten very lazy about endgame content. You need "cookie-cutter" builds to slay bosses in what I call "Recipe" boss-fights. Bosses are immune to several attacks, stuns, disorients, fire, etc that characters have used successfully leveling up from 1 to 60, but then are rendered useless. There is a formula where…
  • Mod asked for what changes would make game better. Here it is: 1) My biggest complaint is the game is too easy, make it much harder. 2) PvP has way too many afkers. Make that banned account status. 3) There are only 7 different quests in game, increase to 200, no cloning quests changing fruit berries to grapes for…
  • Yes. I leveled crafting and praying with only one short trip out adventuring from something like 46 to 54. Never thought I would hate dinging in a game.
  • I also started online MMOs before EQ, Isles of Kesmai. The notion that this is only a minor problem and then arguing that previous MMOs were successful and survived bad problems and so people complaining about this problem are childish shows the OP is way off the mark in his final conclusion although it is true enough that…
  • I love the people that continually defend every problem the game and company has by saying "it's only a beta." Well ok, if it is only a beta quit SELLING stuff for real cash until it is not "only a beta."
  • This "early in the beta cycle?" You are kidding right? The company made the decision to go open beta this early, not the players. The company rushed it into "open beta" to start reaping the bucks off the ADHD generation. The game servers have been very unstable. Now, if you want to say lots of releases have had similar…
  • Giving a definition does not settle this argument. The argument is about whether this term is correctly applied in this case or not, not about what the definition is.
  • Are you really trying to say that games in open release do not have bugs? I mean are you REALLY trying to say that? Once they take the money the game is in release whether the company calls it beta or not. You may think this is only a matter of opinion but check commerce law first. Taking money for a product or service…
  • Anyone know if the "Pay for Zen" server has ever been down?
  • wolfzilva: You are wrong that the company is not hurt when I do not do business with them when I should have been a good customer for them. Plus, I also take other players with me because those that play with me feel pretty much the same way and most of them spend really large amounts of money on their gaming.
  • Prices are ridiculous and the company will not be getting my money as long as they are. My enthusiasm for this game died when they came out with the $200 packs as I could see the overpriced writing on the wall. I have spent plenty of money in World of Tanks (although not for the more outrageous priced stuff). The only…
  • Sorry, once your cash store is up and running and especially after your purchase with my credit card system is up 24/7 then it is a beta in name only. This is soft release and no excuses for server downtimes at this rate. Don't be fooled by an industry that wants your money at full price for a product that is only…
  • Imivo: I am NOT speaking for founders. It is your money to spend as you wish. I am simply observing as someone who watches such things very closely and worked in the computer business over ten years including having coding projects for large national and international companies like TRW and Sprint, and believe the pricing…
  • Greyana: A list of one is certainly not nearly enough to claim that this happens all the time. Actually I think that things are getting worse rather than better. And Isya, my original post says "all the weekends" not "any of the weekends."
  • Ok, for all those who want to claim this is just par for the course, please list all the great many MMOs that charged $200 for the "founders pack" and then had launch problems on this scale. Not launch problems alone, but launch AND a $200 founders pack.
  • Are you kidding? You cannot understand why someone who wants to play a melee character would be less happy playing a ranged character? I have played my melee cleric D&D character for over thirty years starting with pen and paper and working up through the gold box games, Baldor's Gate etc., EQ, EQ2, DDO, DAOC, Vanguard,…
  • angrysprite and a host of others who have claimed that the founders packs have only cosmetic items: The base pack includes items that are not solely cosmetic. The two more expensive packs include three beta weekends. There is more that could be said, but these items are clearly NOT cosmetic only. The absolute minimum we…
  • If they allow for evil alignment characters they need to have all the implications of that ingame.
  • Would like to see more reasonable prices.
  • Same as I do with WoT. The more pressure I feel to pay to play at the level i want to, the less I will spend. The more paying simply enhancing my enjoyment of the game, the more I will. I expect value for my money and enjoyment for my time.
  • In general, for those that take the position about critics of NW they don't 'care" about their opinions please remember the following: 1) if you don't care please remember that is hardly the spirit in using a discussion forum. Sure you don't have to care but a) why bother using up valuable space telling everyone about how…
  • itsneo- The fact that the game is F2P does not mean that anything they do with it is ok, especially when they have the rights to D&D. Any game that takes on a major established story line has an obligation that goes beyond what they would have for a ground up creation of their own. Star Wars, Star Trek, LOTR, etc. all…