What Character Class: 60 GF, 12,980 gs atm. Your Timezone: PST Your Age or Maturity: 38 Past MMO or Gaming Experience: Playing mmos for years. Currently an officer and main tank in a mythic wow progression guild. Played wow since release and have played a lot of other mmos as well that have come out over the years.…
I'm looking for people to run dungeons with too (leveling up a GF, 40 atm). I have a lot of previous mmo experience and currently also raid as a main tank in a mythic wow progression guild. Haven't played NW before so trying to figure out some stuff still in general and with tanking. Mainly am looking for nice mature…
this just fixed it for me: 1) I logged in another character 2) Went to "option" and "change character" 3) Instead of hitting (A) when it is counting down to log out, let it do the full countdown After this I was able to log onto my character who was having this issue. Not sure this will work for everyone or if it was a…