What you meant to say as the title to this thread is: "This sums up one jaded elitist gamer's opinion." Look, you're not a gd mouse. None of us are. Neverwinter is simply a form of entertainment. People will spend money on it if they are entertained. No need to disparage people who find entertainment in it. Sure, Cryptic…
I get the impression that players who make posts like this do not actually play the GWF. Thus, from my point of view, they do not deserve a reply. I agree with the OP. The proposed buffs to GWF will not be enough to make them viable in PvE. Such an easy way to brush aside the OP's points by falsely characterizing them as…
I agree with the OP. Those are good ideas. I just ran a pug on my 41 gwf. We were on the last boss in grey wolf den, admittedly a difficult boss, but the gwf feels ... useless. I have a decent spec, and a lvl 40 blue weapon, but this class is pretty craptastic in effectiveness (I've run all of them except rogue through…
I see. Seems to me the block animation should track the ICD so that you are not deceived into thinking you''re blocking when you're not. If the CD is still counting down and you try to block, you should not be shown to be blocking. A hotbar Icon showing the ICD may also be helpful.
I'm thinking it could also be lag issues. I can't count the number of times I've blocked a slow hitting mob, then lunged at it for some extra dps, then put block up, and still get creamed through the block - as if the block wasn't even there. Happens all the friggin time, so that atm I have no confidence in its working…
Bottom line is Sure Strike needs a significant buff. GWF single-target dps is unconscionably bad for even their primary AOE role. How anyone can say the GWF is "fine so go L2P," is beyond me, esp anyone who plays all the other classes. Single target fights for the GWF are UNFUN, and are important and common in any MMO -…
Completely agree with the OP. One of the biggest problems with the GWF is the HAMSTER damage of their at-wills relative to the other classes. This needs a straight buffing, especially their single target at-will.
Until we hear something from the Devs, another thread pointing out the GWF's astonishingly poor single target damage is not a "waste." This is not to say that GWF single target damage should be scaled up to rogue heights, but atm it is so poor that it is making the class ineffective and - more importantly - unfun. GWF was…
I haven't seen endgame yet, but I have leveled all classes to at least 25. The GWF... yeah.... GWF single target dmg is rolftastic - I mean it's that bad - esp compared to my rogue spamming its lvl 1 at-will. Even my control oriented wizard spamming its lvl 1 at-will surpasses my GWF by a wide margin (not to mention that…