Yet it doesn't state that anywhere except in game when you click on the PvP event details only. Why does it have to be a 40th level event to play like a chicken. I think the Devs flip the switch for the whole event rather than for PvP only. :/
Add me to the list of horrors. Yes, IE is as slow as frozen molasses. LoL. Without a doubt, someone changed some settings and now... :eek: TLS 1.0 is totally obsolete, and dangerous.
Get your Artifice up quickly by mailing your character any blue Assets you have. Do the extended gathering that will give you up to 800 xp at level 14. Once you reach 20th it will take three days to make. That's where having a purple artificer will cut that down to two days. The rest of the assets can be blue quality since…
When the Ranger came out, Lots of players, me included, complained that it was always looking down. Really weird. They still have not fix it. I guess all Rangers are shy. LoL
They also last for one hour. Really? Who came up with that time limit. Do they think everyone has a bunch of Zens sitting around? Many players are on a budget and can't afford to shell out dollars on a whim. But, I'm sure, they can plan for it if these coupons lasted longer. How about five days? Is it going to break the…
Can you also increase the amount of time between VO. They don't have to say it every 30 seconds or minute. I'm sure very two, three, or five minutes is good. It's funny, I have that Storm archer and she is the quiet type, and I'm wondering when she is going to say something. LoL
Are you kidding me? You think everyone is monitoring twitter? Why didn't you make a forum announcement, and an Admin announcement in game? Yo have to use different types of communication lines to get the word out to as many players as possible. You really botched this one up. OMG :rolleyes:
This bug has been going on since Beta. It was reported, and hell, I even sent a bug report, but it still hasn't been fix. I took a small hiatus, and come back, and it's still there. I've been through two sound cards, updated drivers, and it is still there. Maybe I should write a letter to Statesman and tell him to take a…
They might have set it up that way deliberately because Flying companions, like the owl or sprite, etc., can't keep up. I got a sprite for my Ranger and I noticed this behavior right away. Hell, I went looking for the renegade sprite and found it stuck behind a tree. This looks like it's an ongoing problem that has not…
I really which the client stop crashing while I'm trying to refine. I stopped trying because it is not worth the risk of crashing in the middle and losing stuff. May be Cryptic will extend this fiasco a couple of days to make up for the bug.
Housing for characters needs to be in the game before the 1st anniversary. It would be nice to see a Wizard tower, Cleric's sanctuary, a Cave, etc, and with the amenities that should be included, But please, please, please, if we logoff in the house, it would be nice to login and be back inside the housing. Also, how about…
You're bound to get a whole lot of idols and awesome enchantment. Sell the ones you don't want, for a reasonable quick sale price, and turn in the idols. I bought a Lillend that way, and a Pseudodragon. Watch the market and wait for a time when prices drop; of course patience comes into play here.
I just tested this new system and understand why everyone is upset. One thing I noticed is that artifacts eat up enchantments/runes like it was candy and needs to be tone down. But there is still hope for this system it just needs a lot of work in the RP and catalyst areas. I think the catalyst need to up the chances of…
Let's call this what it is, and the name is Laziness. You see this at the bank also, were you have to find a good angle to reach the banker. The no-mount zone is feasible since they have on around the daily mission Kobold. I have the Q key, other than #6, binded for mount. I hate the wasd key mapping, and use the esdf; I…
Yes, they did this one purpose to attract players. Yes, they want to hold all purple companions for the Zen market. This is what is call false advertisement, oOr they are just brain cell challenged. This is like a store showing a picture of a big 50" tv and when you get there it's a 36" model and all you get is oops/sorry.…
Wow. This is really disconcerting. I'm a member of a small guild, and we are getting ready to start hitting MC, coordinating the different time zones, and the odds of getting something good is in par with dirt? If I want blue items, all I have to do is run a dungeon in normal mode. For everyones information, you can adjust…
The Lead Dev already stated that they will release one class of the two they are working on. If the hints they are dropping are true then it's the Ranger. The warlock will be in the next big module; I'm pretty sure. What we need to figure out is if they will add new races to this module or the next.
We do need more individual colors. I'm so tire of dye packs. It's been griped about over and over again, and still they come out with more dye packs. I would love to see gold and silver individually. Let us apply to to whatever armor/fashion areas we want.
The workaround stated above works. This needs to be look at. Asking for our rigs information is mute since a lot of people are suffering from this and the workaround shows that it's a problem with the server communications.
Hold the presses. There may be a cooldown. This, it seams, only applies to big mobs. I've been talking to people that have noticed this and tested in the foundry and it's consistent. A big mob will drop one bag, but the other subsequent mobs nothing. But when you wait for over 30 seconds, voila, drops start again. LoL,…
7 x 40 WCoins <--- This The only thing that you can buy with the coins are transmutable items. The rest sit in your coin purse gathering dust. They did not think to place other items you can buy like dye and teleport scrolls. Who QA this whole event? I just read a thread that shows how the weapons skins don't match the…
I got a feeling she is teamed. Without a doubt you should be getting them by the four mob. The drop is not by mobs but by the number of kills. I noticed that, for example, in the third mob i would get a drop in the first kill, and sometimes the fourth. I have even got it on the seventh or eight kill. So the chances of you…
There is no reason that mailboxes could not be expanded to other areas. There is so much lag in the enclave it's nuts. I'm assuming that more hostile areas would be a little of a non-no, but just put a mail-person in there with two burly bodyguards; this would make it look acceptable to the environment. While we are at it,…