I have 3 account's when i began to play NW about 3 years a go i wanted to try all classes , and i didn't want to spent money on it because i didn't know if i would stay or not that was my reason , now i use 2 accounts for storage and for AD only and i buy stuff in the auction for my most importend account. greetings
For real i love cats alot i have two cats myself but the NW cats are ugly and have a muscle desease in their front paws they don't stand and look natural
Pay for it ??? :( not everyone can pay to play a race , and than we sont know anything about the stats i hope it will be available later on for everyone ?
""""3. Yeah, endgame dailies in this game suck hard, except for the PvP ones. You do not need a group to do any of them, except Dread Vault and that's a daily few experienced 60s ever touch."""" I did Dread Vault allone on my GF and killed the bos lolol
Hello ppl i am a n.oob with all this idk what all the letters like AoE etc are but i wanna tell i have on 1 char the Waters of Elah'zad and on another Aurora's Whole Realm Catalogue and i tried on both chars the `key but it doesn't work maybe i do something wrong ? the hp of the char with the waters was very low , i saw…