For most of them, if you gave them a hat that had the power to create the game of their dreams, they'd complain about the color. While the game is still officially 'in testing", let those that are exploiting keep on exploiting. Cryptic knows exactly who they are, I'm sure (else they couldn't have fixed the issues in the…
Yes...100% of the time that a particular player consciously chooses to participate in this kind of behavior. It's the same reason that we have NGP rolling systems in the first place...because player's can't be trusted to make correct choices most of the time. Unfortunately, no system put in place can circumvent what human…
Don't really need a new system, just amend the code where need only lights up for a member of the class assigned to the loot item. This kind of a thing was a problem in other games, where loot could be usable by two or more classes, but in this game, I've yet to see an item of green or better quality (with a few…
The night we created our guild, this kinda struck me as odd. One of the major points of a guild is working together, and in this one spot, it's "Nope...the Guild Leader has to do all the work for this one." Hell, a system where the guild can donate but the funds can only be used for things like bank slot upgrades this…
It's like anything... You'll get better at it with practice. I was pretty much in the same boat. First couple of dungeons I did, I got really frustrated with all the ping-ponging going on (bosses moving between different group members). Some of this could have been other group members getting a little over enthusiastic,…
First off, I'm hoping you have your companion out, it's the cleric, and she's trained up. :-) After you charge in, use your taunt (not sure of the name... I'm at work and don't have access). It's AOE, so it should draw anything in the vicinity to you. What I do at this I is use Cleave and the at will shield skill,…