I also have two suggestions. btw i play GWF. 1) Add 1 vs 1 PVP. 2) Fix the descriptions on skills. For example, mention how long effects last. Paragon Powers dont even mention their upgrades. this needs to be fixed. 3) On the descriptions of skills mention if they get upgraded from a Feat. For example. Savage Advance…
Skills need more detailed descriptions in general. Most of the skills dont mention how long they last, no matter if they are debuffs or buffs. One simple example: Not so Fast (GWF skill) says it slows the opponent but it doesnt mention for how long. The upgrades say +1 second, thats understandable. But still the…
Not there either. I checked it. I already find the overall stats complicated and dont understand why some things exist. but anyway. I would like a GWF high lvl to confirm is Armor Specialization works or not cause i really have no mood to play a broken game.
Fix the Armor Specialization for Fighter class. It doesnt increase ANY Defense or AC. And when am i suppose to be able to make a topic in this forum???? its been already two days.