Ok something I did notice but Pure lighting and Tyranical threat don't react with each other like other powers, would be nice if it would start properly ticking once tyrannical threat was place on target, for SWs with pure lightning builds or those who have the option to change out from vorpal to pure lightning this would…
yea they have this option on Test server for their testers on Star trek Online , basicly there if we need a new toon leveled up from like say LVL 5 to lvl 60 it can be done by going to a certain location getting some XP boxes then opening those boxes, and boom your max level, same thing for the campaign stuff they have…
@terramak thank you for fixes on SW, it also seems pure lightning properly works with most powers on test server, dunno if this is recent or not, but 100% thanks for additional fixes ontop of that =)
no im not using the website tool to do all that, I shouldn't have to login there then login to my email then hope I get a 1 time code to login before it times out, so this problem is getting very annoying
so out of all this has anyone tested to see if they can make a alliance, because just tried and keep getting error message saying, [5/20 20:00] [Error] Alliance Error: Invited guild must be same allegiance. lol dunno wtf is wrong
Maybe make it to where if the Bondings are placed on a augment it automaticly procs at the beginning of battle and at the end of each cooldown, that would be the only viable way to make bondings work on augments also have to make the Percentage of the companions gift be reduced when placed on augments if that's the case,…
I say if you want to make big money, 6000 or 7000 zen a pop not to be greedy but to make your profit and make us happy, because, I will say this even tho I said the rest of the content was cruddy because I didn't quiet like they way few things where going, hence graphics and endless bugs we delt with in artificers quest,…
Oh really ok, I warned ya yall just scrwd yourselves out of more money, like yall didn't even give a flying fk when I said 6 seconds wasn't enough for divine protector, but nooooo yall must not give a fk, im not spending any more cash on this gave ever
lol that's why as a paladin im smart enough not to use those powers you just stated above, kind of given when you get yelled at for using Lag powers in Dragon runs and Throwing mob powers in Tiamat, you learn really quick what powers not to use, or what powers not to use when and where, Circle Of power for example should…
this stuff is really murdering the chances of a lot of folks getting the Beholder tank mount, this is a event mount not a lock box mount, it should have a way better drop rate then what ever it is currently set to, please correct this along with the bugs since we have had to deal with several problems I would request that…
Also im seeing control wizard powers bypassing the shield of the flayer, this needs to be corrected because by them killing it threw the shield without shield being down it causes random loot glitch and then you cant talk to the beholder tank.
First off would like to say, lost set needs to do % of crit dmg done, not just 3-6k of dmg on a 1mill crit is should do atleast 25% of the 1mill crit, people haven't blown their cash for nothing ya know
6 seconds is total BS and is unacceptable, uncalled for and totally needs rethinking!! if you think 6 seconds is good then you know nothing of how paladins like their game play and bubble, it meens being able to protect properly, I just now got my 4th power point into Divine protector AFTER 6 MONTH of Trying to get a power…
Sure it needs to be nerfed But It doesn't meen to kill the class or the fun or the ability all together by pulling a number out the smoke clouds and ticking off everyone that's not being a brown-nosing adventurer!!!
haha currently I can do 42 to 50 mill DPS in CN as paladin, lol so nothing wrong with DPS, also permabubble and still wind up Dying somehow, lol but hey I guess the game makers think we like being 1 shotted, so if my 3k TIL Paladin still dies with divine protector on, then wtf is point of this patch or the point of killing…
haha you wouldn't be saying that if you where a paladin or CW or Cleric, because I can say this is excessive side of nerfing and makes no sense what so ever to completely kill a couple of classes badly.
yea this is why im calling for them to make mounts and artifacts BOA instead of BOE, so I can easily change to another toon if this is the type of mess we got to deal with, sick and tired of them ruining the fun so to speak, its already bad enough we get 1 shotted every time you turn around much less having to have the…
so if this is message you want to see I sugjest you adjust the content and make it hard so we can utilize the perma bubble and AP DC build instead of destroying the class, I would rather you tinker with the difficulty of the enemy then be tampering with my Powers and FUN Level, so if you want the content harder make it…
also the mount system, make the mount system let all the mounts bind to account instead of per character so incase if you force me to take these changes I can easily move to a better class if my current one is destroyed by nerf hammer!!!