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  • FEEDBACK: Enhancement window UI design If this is the system going forward, the current UI design for enchantments needs improvement to better hide the arbitrary nature of enchantment / stat progression. In the previous system, enchantments were slotted into equiptment which was a helpful way to immerse the player in what…
  • Not a big deal, but the Star Rover gear pack only seems to let you choose 1 piece of the set and does not grant 4 pieces as the announcement says.
  • Well I ran into this during the solo Q event. The guy didn't seem like a hardcore pvp'r or anything, 3.3k GS, some PVE gears. What they did have was the headsman weapons refined to epic. All these times I was at 100% HP or very near to. Following these SE (significant emotional event) I was obviously on 0% :smiley: I guess…
  • I agree. But as far as DPS goes I think the most outrageous thing going on is bonding runestones. They are the baseline now, a really really expensive baseline that comes from lockboxes. I do not think that the simple choice between companion setup should result in such an enormous DPS difference. I'd also say these things…
  • I'm a bit late to this conversation, have skipped a lot of modules, but iirc... wasn't SE made like this in module 5? has it changed at all? Seems kinda silly, though mixed in with HRs and Tanks everywhere it all seems pretty silly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • I returned to the game about 3 or so weeks ago. Got to 70 quickly and took advantage of double refinement. Got my gear score to about 3k, though Had no glory to buy a starter pvp set (used what little I had left to buy a feeder for an artifact) I remember GG was a good place to start in earlier modules, but it doesn't…
  • If you could hurt a TR they would be a *little* more balanced, same goes for CW's. But how long have these classes been like this? Do what you have to do in order to have fun I suppose!
  • for pvp, not having a dodge has been the ever growing sore spot of gwf since mod4. But we have worse problems now, destro will dish out nice damage against slow or distracted players, but any decent player you will almost never land an encounter on... people have been screaming for 1 prone encounter for the gwf since mod 4…
  • 19k+ TR's hitting SE for 40-55k. Simply by DC sigil, stealth, press 1. Absolutely nothing I can do. They win and its GG. We can back and forth about legit balance changes etc. But this needs to be hotfixed yesterday. Going in to another module with morale this low about one of my favorite aspects of this game is not…
  • I think you might have misread the quote / post. Another person said they should be tankier, I'm saying they shouldn't. Here.. Intim GWF's hit hard, yes, but they don't hit as hard as a TR or CW, and in some cases, even a DC. But GWF has no dodge / ridiculous deflect buff like the other classes do. So by comparison GWF is…
  • GWF doesn't need to be more tanky, destroyer.. maybe. All the damage of other classes needs to be toned down. Make it actually possible to land IBS if people want intimidation's scaling changed (need a prone) More pvp "fun" today. http://i.imgur.com/odJUpKk.jpg
  • You're totally right, I don't think people will disagree there. People have been asking for changes since mod 4, piercing damage, glyphs etc. Those changes haven't come through yet, and the current TR issue is hard to ignore. I posted a SS of a log from a domination, I was hit with SE for almost 54k. PvP for me has become…
  • I haven't been able to pvp for months, I get about 5 minutes into the game before I become exceedingly frustrated and want to sit the match out. Mainly because of this rubbish: http://i.imgur.com/SilqLwu.jpg And I mean I know people will say "Yeah we know TR is broken" But its so broken that people avoid pvp... and they…
  • Running 21k - 23k GS in pvp, depending on the loadout.. Still get melted in 2sec by TRs and CWs of much lower GS. Sure those classes and piercing damage needs changing, but even without those, GWF are stuck having to only PVP in BIS or near BIS gear as intimidation to be viable. Its a boring spec to play, IBS, Takedown and…
    in GWF Buff Comment by docj0r January 2015
  • The devs aren't dumb, not dumb enough to overlook something so broken, yes.. TR damage to GS scale isn't just OP, it's broken. Just look at mod 4 and 5, no real new and meaningful content, re-used assets and what is blaring obviously a tactic to mooch more money out of the solidified players. People who are committed to…
  • The difference is a 12kgs TR can do that, and the other classes can't. They have all needed gear. The only other contender for OP there is CW's with piercing damage etc, but again.. still requires gear.
  • Nooo actually.. it's the first time I have seen this kind of thing. 12kgs TR hitting for 36k damage in one hit. That's new. Sure we have seen stupid damage from alot of classes, but they have still actually needed gear to do it.
  • So the first game in 2 weeks where you were actually challenged? (But only by beast CW's) Ok TR's must be balanced then, the evidence is clear. I'll just go back to being taken from 60% to 0% in one hit by sub 15kGS TR's and remind myself that it's ok because this one time this CW lined up Ice knife on a TR. :p
  • aside from the annoyingly long out of stealth immunes and dodges... a 12k TR hitting shocking execution for 36k on someone with 60% hp is just dumb. It's more dumb than anything else I have experienced in this game to date. Lashing blade on its own is ok, but see the first sentence of my post to explain what makes it not…
  • Good post, sir! I myself have been playing around with different builds. I've found it to be "ymmv" I have the full purified set and run around 42k hp (no arti belt and 21 con roll) 46-47% DR. I found using the red glyphs for the extra ArP makes my p.vorp still viable. I found this set good, but then sometimes you get…
  • Simply an amazing idea, I would be overjoyed, and neverwinter would probably become my main game if they did this. Reminds me of the quake days where some of the most popular maps were made by the community. PWE / Cryptic / Whoever really need to listen to this advice, foundry + pvp would make for an amazing boost to…
  • Or you roll a HR / CW and do stupid damage while dodging everything and not attracting anywhere near the amount of nerf calls as GWFs seem to for some strange reason.. (seriously?)
  • It's getting nerfed in mod 5. So not only will Destroyers be absolutley worthless against ranged dps, Sentinels can join them too. Seriously, people are complaining about 17sec encounter CD on a glass cannon, which only works if you have just about BIS gear. HR's are shredding GWFs to pieces, and CW's too if they know how…
  • How about we don't put tenacity on any of the artifact gear, then make tenacity more vital for success in pvp. sick of the die in .5 seconds, bloated GS P2W junk that pvp has become.
  • Heaven forbid a class that has poor control and it's only means to survival is it's ability to face tank damage can deal upfront damage. It should be nerfed due to all it's other utility. Oh wait.
  • GWF stun and prone you to death? What? GWF in PVP will have 1 stun on a 17 odd second cooldown. The only prone they might have in pvp is a DAILY that can still be dodged. Yes CW control is good, they open with control / DC sigil / bust your health down below 50% with the red glyph rolling and ice knife. It's quite reliable.
  • Pretty much this x 10000 these modules have been nothing but a lazily thrown together money leech. Just stop.
  • I don't get it. I think now that we can all agree that "they" are trying to milk all the money out of this game with minimal input in the way of content.. But why? I thought the game was going strong, do they not realize that this will just kill the game? Drive people away? They will have less money in the end.
  • People say the the pvp community is too small for new content.. total BS. I'd like to bet that the PVP community pays the most to this company due to the mad arms race that PVP has, everyone wants max gear.