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  • It's broken because of clerics, but not really due to healing agro... you just get 2 clerics and have them both drop astral shield or whatever it's called and everyone in the party is a tank, until that gets fixed there isn't really a reason for them to work on fixing the healing agro, because no one brings GF's anywhere…
  • Oh don't get me wrong, gear will make a big difference at 60, but the botched level scaling in the lower brackets is what you are seeing right now.
  • I am only blocking what I have to, but it still seems like some cc abilities all but break the guard in one hit. Some CCs can hit hard. That is happening because of the weird level scaling the developers put into non 60 PvP. When you're at the lower end of a bracket (for example 50-53) you do decent damage because of the…
  • Also, am I the only one who thinks GF need a more reliable way to get our guard meter back up? Or maybe just better passive regen with less from abilities. It just seems like it goes away as soon as you get poked at 60 and then takes ages to come back. it also doesn't help that to be effective in PvP we need to unslot our…
  • Yeah, when I played with you guys I don't think the other team got more than 7 points, it was pretty much a complete stomp. On the knife throwing... sometimes it seems like they can hit decently hard, and sometimes they hit like a wet noodle...scales a bit too well with gear maybe.
  • Just realized I played a game with you and Heaven earlier today, also 2 other people from your guild - Ghost and Shadow (maybe darkness? memory is fuzzy on that one) I believe it was.
  • Greater plague fire is cheap? ****, I wish I rolled on your server, it's rather expensive on Dragon (at least it was before the AH went down, after it comes back up, who knows).
  • You really don't know what you're talking about do you? Envy had the one shot capable gear for all of half a day before the bug was fixed, and he already had his full timeless hero (the gear he pvp's in) set before he was ever capable of using the bug, which we still have no proof he ever actually exploited for personal…
  • I'm going to have to disagree with the bolded part there... Resiliance was a god awful idea in WoW and it's still a god awful idea when you move it to other games. A far better solution is to simply apply damage dampeners when attacking other players, not tacked onto gear but just in general. Also doing this would…
  • Actually it would be felony charges for profiting off someone's copyright protected intellectual property without their express permission. It being a game doesn't mean ****, copyright laws are nothing to **** around with.
  • What will be in that thank-you gift I wonder...
  • I'm sorry, but do you know how stupid you sound? People that bought the AD with real money worked for it too, in comparison, their job took them a lot more effort than you sitting at your computer.
  • Yeah, you're right, I'm sure that guy he CC'd to death in 1.25 seconds at the end without any major crits (only about 5k damage worth of crits) would agree with you.
  • That **** is just broken... I know this is just beta but they really need to get their **** together and balance this game. I mean yeah, good play by you, good reaction time and stuff, but even you must agree that a ranged class with that much damage and that much CC is a bit on the OP side.
  • Whether or not he abused that bug HAS ABSO-****ING-LUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS GUIDE, so STFU already you whiny *****.
  • Wondering what you'd think of taking some points out of take measure and wrathful warrior to put into either Crushing Pin or Battle Trample, it seems like the bonus damage from those would be active more than the bonus damage from temp hp
  • And I only used it as a minor example to show why crit is more useful in small windows of attack, why you can't see that is beyond me.
  • That will all depend on the situation too, If you can just sit there and hit the target without needing to evade and block I'm sure power adds up a lot, but if you do need to be moving around a lot burst damage in the form of crit would more than likely be far better, which is why it's so much stronger in PvP.
  • Are you a human? If so, you get 3 extra heroic points.
  • Question... How exactly does the tactical superiority feat work? Does it just apply the debuff to anyone you hit? Does it just put it on anyone within range of you? Depending on how this works, wouldn't that mean we don't need 3 points in the power when it's feated?
  • Also realized I did my rolling for 18 con and put my +2 into con when I made the character, instead of str as I should have... problem is I'm already lvl 41 (found this thread at 40) and I REALLY don't want to reroll my entire ****ing character from scratch... I really hope they let us reroll the starting stats eventually,…
  • I'm really wondering why it is that the Guardian glory gear is set up so defensively while the PvE gear has so much power... I was really hoping I wouldn't have to PvE for gear to PvP in. Also, just figured I'd ask here... I seem to be getting this bug with Threatening Rush where it continually stops about a 5th of the way…