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  • No doubt the pack will consist of altars because everyone can use more of those, amirite? Do you seriously think they will give you anything of value for free? Seriously?
  • Yeah, I don't think most of us are playing to show PWE our gratitude. It really, really isn't on my list of reasons to play. At all. And I don't see how PWE deserve a thanks for frantically scrambling to fix something that shouldn't have happened in the first place, no less something were aware of and didn't bother until…
  • Going to chime in to say I absolutely agree with the OP. I have no problem with F2P model, I have no problem with paying for my entertainment, and I really enjoy the game. However, feeling that I am being coerced into paying puts a huge damper on my desire to stick with it. The main issues for me are: 1. Having to pay for…
  • Having the same issue, submitted a ticket. The skill that bugged the mount is at 3 pts, so there's no workaround. This seems to be an issue with combat skills messing up other buttons. A little while ago I had all 3 of my power tray items replaced by the same encounter skill, one I just put a point into. I ended up…
  • It appears to be a general mount bug, not necessarily the Nightmare. I have a regular 5g horse that just stopped working in the exact same manner (was perfectly fine from 20-26, now it's 'You cannot use this power'). Unequipping, relogging, etc. does not help. Not that it should make you feel any better since you paid real…
  • Lulz, same. I went back to GW2 once I got too annoyed with the whole NW cash shop business; I have 2 max lvl toons and a number of mid-level alts there. Every single one is a hedious bore to play. Cast times/channeling on everything, including melee. No thanks.
  • The only redeeming quality to this game is the combat system. They did it right. It's fun. It's paced perfectly - not slow and clunky, like GW2 (which is what killed that game for me) but not an insane click-fest like D3 or PoE where you spam one skill 99.9% of the time either. The actual process of leveling is rather fun…
  • Wait, what? Nothing we have hits harder than Lashing, pound for pound, as far as I know. I won't argue the merits of Lashing vs Dazing in terms of utility/situational use but where damage is concerned you're either mistaken, or I'd like to see proof please (I am not trying to call you out for the sake of it, I'd really…
  • I like the look of most of the leveling gear but only for a female rogue, and only without the shirt+pants. Hate the purple sets look-wise. And all of it, without exception, looks pretty ridiculous on a male. As for the hats.... all I can say is thank god for small mercies, in that we can at least disable the visuals on…
  • And now post a picture from behind so everyone can see that outfit for the hideous joke it really is. I nearly died laughing once I'd put it on the first time.
  • When my general chat tab is spammed with trade that isn't supposed to be there I will do my best to mute those who contribute to it. How's that for common sense?
  • but i reccomend ignoring duelist flurry, bait and switch, whirl of blades, they are quite useles Yes, do ignore our highest (consistent) dps skill and our best AoE skill. Sound advise right there.
  • I have a tiefling rogue who isn't meant for minmaxing, just fun.
  • I heard it was a fix of the recent ninja nerf of Lashing Blade, so that a halfling with 19 strength could consistently hit for over 10k with it.
  • Or you need to, you know, learn when to use your hardest hitting ability and when to save it so you can get the most out of it.
  • Oh come on. The admin is saying that players are alluding to changes but they (the devs) can't find anything that would produce the results described by those players. So if the devs know nothing of any changes, and are asking for more information so they can look into it no less, it would follow they didn't make any, yes?
  • There's a (stickied) post by a moderator stating there was no nerf OR bug fix of any kind. So both sides are just making things up really - unless the mod is outright lying, which I really don't believe is the case.…
  • Huh? You CAN rebind those keys, you just need to, you know, open your settings and look. I've had mine set to my liking since day one.
  • The answer to just about every question of 'where do I get...' is the same across the game: Zen shop.
  • I do not play tanking classes but here's what I have to say about the topic: People who have a tank companion out while in dungeons, as well as people who use knockback skills in groups, are either entirely new to MMOs, absolute morons who have no idea about group play, or total ******s who do know better but refuse to…
  • This. What this business model is doing is killing the enjoyment for me (and many of my friends) because we all realize that trying to make any sort of progress is pointless without z-shop and none of us are willing to pay the current prices. Mind you we're all adults with plenty of disposable income we normally freely…