"1. Combat - Combat in NW is the best i've experienced, it has real weight, is responsive and the visual are excellent!" -byteboy111 if this is the case, I recommend you try out some high level Tera combat. blows this out of the water. Tera without question after you get 40+ has the best combat of any mmorpg on the…
last i seen they said the dirty word all other developers pretty much keep swept under the rug and hide as well as possible. they wanted a more casual experience with....casual casual casual....the masses are dragging game development through the mud. i mean its good business to sell as much as you can to as many as you…
i gotta say, ive been reading over this thread and wow....how sad it is that you can sell bags of $h1t to $h1t3at3rs. i work independently as a mechanical engineer, am single, live in a region of the US that has about the lowest cost of living in the country and make insane bank roll. if you spent more than 100 bucks on…