Oh my, rogue tears, sweetest of them all. Seriously a reality check for you guys, for moths all complaints of OP rogue abilities have been met with response of: L2P and now you know how it feels. Payback is a *****.
The problem is in this game there is rock, who beats scissors and paper who beats rock...oh wait, the scissors beat everyone! nothing to see here, go away.
Please stop underestimating the lovely spell that is Storm Pillar. Best PvP spell by far and really our absolutely best option to avoid being backstabbed by rogues, you will pay the price when GF comes around and you don't have ray of frost slotted..ohwell atleast you can see them coming.
A lot of pretty words here but I have one question for you: Have you ever tried those fabled CONTROL abilities CWs have in PvP, have you? Now how did that work, please tell us. You see here is the problem, squishiest class surrounded with enemies who ALL (except CWs) have some sort of defence available against CONTROL, and…
I used to play PvP a lot with my CW and after getting 29k HP etc. I finally found a perfect counter for rogues, and it was the only one that worked: I haven't logged on in a month. Have fun.
As another CW who always queues alone and gets his *** kicked I agree with this post. The deal is if I see 3 people from same guild in opposing side I QUIT, instantly, just to deny those premades the pleasure of massacre for my part. And then we see threads going for hundreds of posts wondering why people quit PvP. If I…
Well the thing is impact shots CAN'T be dodged and I have never been chainstunned to death by CWs where I couldn't do absolutely anything about it. Maelstrom of chaos breaks all CW CC but doesn't work at all against impact shots because there is not enough time in between to do anything without rubberbanding right back to…
Yeah, the problem here is you really need that oppressor for ray of frost to really work, without it it's way too slow to stop melee in time. Especially since repel seems to be broken and won't push anyone back most of the time, that brief stun works though.
What kind of foolishness is this OP. I couldn't care less who does most damage if monsters die and die fast. CW + GWF AoE combo is extremely powerful as it is already and I gladly welcome more damage to equation. About the control role of CW though...you have gotten something very wrong here. For most occasions our best…
You suggest removing righteousness, yet only thing that is out of balance in your post is TR. All other characters have about the same amount of gold, right? So. Instead of removing righteousness SHOULDN'T YOU REMOVE ROGUES? :)
No :) Well maybe before level60 shield can be useful in solo PvE but after you become AoE powerhouse instantly annihilating everything outside dungeons... No shield, do not slot it.
The shield nerf is absolutely needed, I hate pushing monsters down so very very much. Not only is that tactic lame it also trivializes fighters as has been rightfully noted in this thread already. What I do not agree with are the people stacking CWs in groups, as a CW I enjoy most the groups with one of each class. And to…
I have been playing casually(going to delve every day if it comes up with my 3h/day window of playing time) since open beta and I have managed to kill without cheating karru once, spider once and SP once. Frozen heart seems to be only PUGgable T2 in game. GG set seems to be good enough for me.
Most likely they have NOT given up but are smashing the dodge button like crazy without result, that is latency at work. I usually cannot break free from pronechain no matter how much I beat my keyboard, it just isn't possible.
While we are at it I'd just like Impact Shots fixed. Like GF prone chain impact shot chain is equally inescapable, you try to dodge and you rubberband back to receive more of those **** shots. Something is wrong here, propably latency/network code issue. Cryptic needs to fix their latency issues or just add slight delay on…
This. I'm willing to bet my left kidney this is latency issue. Since I live in europe I have quite poor ping and it seems it makes many fast animation attacks impossible to dodge.
Exactly! And aforementioned rogues are increasingly common even in PuG PvP since shard merge. Zen market has blown up, competetive people are gearing up like crazies and there is no way for non-melee to compete.
Someone runs high gearscore premades with CWs? Are they absolutely mad or do they do it for pity. Tenes are useless on CWs since we are dead, tenes do 0 damage from 0 health.
Wonder why? Maybe it has something to do with useless CC at high gear score levels. Something to do with unending impact shots from ITC rogues. Something to do with being pushed around by GFs without any means to defend yourself until your 30k hp are gone. Something to do with GWFs regening so quick you have zero hope to…
Hi there, I have almost similarly geared CW as you and can comment on Celadaine's. There must be something wrong in what you are doing, I only have to use at max one potion and that is on Celadaine himself. I suggest you to start playing around with different encounters to find out how to deal damage most effectively and…
Speaking of dailies... I have recently been fiddling with maelstrom of chaos and will not remove it from dailybar, ever. Perfect point cleaner. That ugly thing swinging axe in your face while his buddy closes up with shield raised? Bye bye. CC immunity. Damage resistance. Only problem with this daily is low range at the…
Having played CW for quite some months now I'd say only class CW can reliably beat, equal gearlevel considered, is another CW. Can't do **** against GF. GWF won't die so the fight goes on for hours. TR is nowhere to be seen until he impactshots you to death, yes, CW with 30k hp melts like cheese from impact shots. DC is…