Thanks for the reply zeke. The young ones want to try a dungeon that is a higher level than the leveling ones, it doesn't matter if we fail but would be nice if we could hit half way. We can take a GF,DC and either a pair of GWF of CW and GWF. We will give it ago and see what happens. Once again thanks.
Ok guys, if you had to go in with only four toons, what would you drop a dps class? A second question, which 1600iL dungeon would the group most likely have a chance to complete? These would be low level toons between 1.6iL and 2.2iL.
Frozen Treasures are going to be our blocking point. When most members are playing with ping of around 400 and are happy to just be playing the game, Cryptic can't help our ping but when you add in rubberbanding and lag at IWD most won't bother trying. If the lag and rubberbanding wasn't there, then would really appreciate…
This is great for my small guild, we are pushing these through as much as possible, but does anyone know if all the required currencies are included in the vouchers as we have only seen the three stated by the OP. We could also do with frozen and dark vouchers.
When Mod 6 came out and I got my first character to spinward rise I was having the problem of lag issues. I now have 2 characters waiting for a fix to this problem but in the last couple of days this seems to have migrated to other areas as well, I have 2 more characters at redemption rock who get into battle, freeze up…
I know the feeling, my DC hasn't got a hope, i thought a level 21 quest should be possible for a level 21. I don't mind hard but i've used 9 injury kits and still haven't finished it.