If you were going to run TONG anyways, and have a SW or MoF instead of a 2nd cleric, why not? Free extra RP and seals. Every time i see Epic RQ or Heroes Accord RQ compared to regular dungeon RQ it makes me chuckle. Players operate on an inncorrect supposition that rewards are intended to scale with difficulty, or that RQ…
Not advocating plagiarism at all, and agree that a direct copy/paste should obviously not count as a submission. I guess I see a lot of players arguing over some of the more subtle differences in builds, and of course tossing around the 'that's not x's build, they stole it from y' thing, which seems pretty silly with a…
You're kidding right? It was bugged at mod release because you forgot to send an email? My HR guildies heads are going to f-ing explode. If you want to defend QA thats fine, I'm sure they work their tails off and I get they can only do what the QA script says, but the point is something is truly broken about your guys'…
I have never understood this whole 'build ownership' thing. No build is "owned" by a player. IMO, it unneccessarily builds up egos that have no reason to be so large. For example. GWFs basically have 1 real build, with a few minor tweak options (slam or battle fury for example). Both builds have already been "published by…
@nitocris83 its because a companion gets stuck inside the door when the door magically appears. Leave the door off and i bet it wouldn't trigger so many times.
Its been that way for as long as I can remember, seems like when they're on my map it shows their gear, but when they're on a different map or instance, I get their tighty whiteys.
IMO, OP can do whatever, switch to Devo or just stay Protection and have the GF stand next to you. Playing with a DPS GF is really up to the cleric to keep him up. If the GF is dying a lot, the cleric is probably mindlessly going through rotations not paying attention to what's actually happening in the fight. The GF is…
Doesn't really matter if you can make a key instantly tho. Even if you forget to make keys, and find yourself in a dungeon without one. Clickity click, you've got a key.
You sorta posted the answer to your own question. The target cap is 5...meaning it can't go above that regardless of how many enemies/party members are around, and 5 hits = 1800%. Not sure how you're getting 4500.
I appreciate the dev responses here. If making them stackable is out of the question, please consider at least allowing us to hold multiple. They don't have to stack. Part of the reason many don't participate in hunts is in order to use each item acquired, you'd have to significantly alter your daily/weekly grind and flow.…
My only issue is that fashion is not exclusive to fashion. There are a lot of transmutes i wish i could pair with fashion items and vice versa. Don't know how you'd fix that, but it wouldn't be a quick or easy fix.
Region: Ohio, USA Server: Dragon ISP: Wowway Issues same as others described. SNR, rubberbanding, overall lagg, having to use powers 2-3 times before they cast. Sometimes are worse than others. RARELY got SNR before, getting it multiple times a day now. Would think at this point it's quite obvious this is not ISP related.…
Agreed, things like this are healthy and I'm sure go further than the team thinks in terms of building confidence and trust with the player base. Even though no one agrees about most things... even tho there will still be trolls to distort words and interpret everything as negatively as possible... keep mind the majority…
Had this happen to me over the weekend. Didn't get rewards until the 3rd time we killed him. This dungeon is hard enough as it is. Please look into a fix!
Don't think any shirt/pants are for that matter, so i'm guessing it's intentional. No idea why not tho. All the time, during weeklies, during dailies and during the new "it" fad we're all so excited about: Running pre-70 dungeons on 20 alts!!! :wink:
The issue isn't the earn, the issue is that ITS NOT FUN to play garbage alts... to earn AD... to spend on mains... that i can't play... because farming... which takes up the majority of your time in any game... is on the garbage characters... not my mains...
You're contradicting yourself. You're saying being paired with characters beyond your level has hurt your experience, yet end game players not wanting to accept this change hurts it more? We're saying the same thing, players need to be paired with characters closer to where they are in level and progression. No one is…
What makes you think their setting for that would be any higher than the minimum ilvl req, when they regularly point to their 'all dungeons are tested with a full group at minimum reqs' statement?
First off, I was very optimistic about RQ. Go back and look at my forum comments, "it'll be fine guys, lets give it a chance". I was not one of the people with their pitchfork ready to riot. I understand what you guys are trying to accomplish, and on paper, everything you've said is technically correct, but here's the…