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damsel1988 Arc User

I agree, Tiamat is kind of a waste of time and I get a sore arm/hand doing that <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> and it 'fails' usually and you get <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> two worthless things as a 'reward'. That Linu's favor is a joke. I already feel that those dailies are starting to grind on me and make me look for something else to play all the time, just like happened with the Icewind area where I just got sick of doing the same over and over and over in 'dailies' where you struggle to even find an event and that is when i left, only just came back!


  • I had a similar problem. Never could get the system to run right after that. The only way I am now able to play is to first log into the game. I then get a character screen that shakes and does not work, no sound, I then have to go cntr/alt/delete to get to my Task Manager. There I have to delete the top row which is the…
  • I tried to put even a purple enchantment of level 8 into the level 70 weapon and it keeps saying 'wrong enchantment'
  • Thank you very much :) I was away for a while and was concerned that I may have missed out on something
  • The point was actually that you come home from work to play the game for a few hours. However, you sit there waiting for the Heroic Areas to end so you can do you quests. No friends are on because it is a different time to them. So you sit and wait for all the Heroic areas to end so you can do your 'normal' dailies. It is…
  • thank you sooooo much :)
  • OK I went to Helms Hold and to the Cathedral where I am supposed to meet her but the door is not operating. I found her eventually where she is, boozed up in the Pub. She has nothing to say to me. So my question is still, where am I supposed to go. I see my thread was moved unfortunately I do not know where it was moved to.
  • Thanks Suicidal for your very detailed and understandable and most of all 'correct' advice. Fancycharacter if you think something does not make sense, keep in mind that some are brighter than others. You then go on to give 'incorrect' information. My advice, shut up.
  • I did put "Remorhaz" into my UI but it does not seem to do a thing at all. I tried it out today on four chars and nothing. Once there actually was a Remorhaz event just nearby but the message told me nothing. So I don't know. I shall now try the NW_HEs and see what happens.
  • Same problem here, game unplayable for now
  • With regard to not need Kessel's and can do the whole campaign, does it not unlock a new area? I see plenty of other area and quests therein and they are black on my map still even though there is quest icon inside the black area. I don't know why it is so hard to understand. You can buy all 4 items at vendor. YOu can…
  • No, you don't only need "two of those", because two give you 18% and you need 20% The other gear you can buy at the vendor is for instance like said above "armor boots icon and helmet (DC) BUT you can have as much ice as you want, your crafting skill is only level 2 and with that you can craft only boots, helmet and…
  • Actually I think companions should also be account bound not character bound. Sometime you spend a fortune on a companion and find out it would be much more suitable for one of your other characters. I mean we should somehow be rewarded for creating more and more chars. It is only good for the producers business because we…
  • Up to now I liked the class because I always play a mage type in games. Suddenly i get killed over and over and over (I am now in Dwarven area)lvl 60. I struggle like crazy and today I kind of thought maybe I need to find another game. After dying about five times in a row I was just sick of it. I don't know whether they…
  • I problem is that there really is no information on how to even start to go about getting xp, what it depends on etc. What the different 'types' of ice mean etc. I have been a crafter for many years and have also actively crafted to date in Neverwinter. I now got to Icewind and the whole thing is a mystifying maze. Some…
  • I have put in 50 because the message the system gave me was that the going rate was 50!!! It does not say 500. But be it as it may, I guess they decided with the popularity of this game, or maybe the popularity dropping, they want to make some more money and force you to buy Zen with real money. Who knows. I am struggling…
  • It tells me to create new chars.............................
  • Well I don't do PVP and I just get sick as anything on 4xFoundry for a few AD points. The Dread Vault seems to be a dead loss because I can queue for it every day and not get any opportunity for it, and I am on at least 6 hours a day. Occadionally I get a group and people start piking out so you end up with 2 or 3 for end…
  • I think a Cleric in this game can only be as good as the group they are with. If a group is weak or fairly weak, they love to blame the Cleric for all their woes. I am actually getting quite sick of being abused all the time and only seldom play my Cleric any longer, and judging by the rarity of finding a Cleric, I think a…
  • I agree totally but it will never happen. Note this: this game was not made for our pleasure, this game is a business and business are there to make money. If you buy a Porsche it was not built for you to enjoy it. It was build for the money they can make with it. Currently the business with companion is good money for the…
  • Oh to the guy that wants to know whether to play this game. My advice, it is fun till nearly the end when it sucks really badly. Don't EVER spend real money on this game, this is not a game that will last for even a year with you, believe me. NOT like Wow, LOTRo and those games, those were made for ongoing enjoyment. This…
  • I think the motto of these devs it, OK, you are nearly 60 now you probably have spent as much money with us as possible, so now we simply want you to go away.
  • I agree totally. I am 37 and in the now for me 'suitable' daily Dungeon. I cannot keep up with the healing because of recharge. Also, I never seem to have enough mana. The healing spells do not heal well enough. Basically I have AOE because if I heal an individual (blue/mana) my mana is immediately depleted and now I don't…
  • Thanks for the replies. I did not skip any areas at all, and in fact any game I always make a point of doing every single quest. I am not stingy with fitting my chars out as good as possible and have spent more on this game than on any other game actually, and I really don't have much money! Yes the last quest I tried was…
  • Thanks MSrebel for that reply because that was exactly what I was asking about :) I did not know to hit "L". One of the items of advice before that was that if you start off with a group in a dungeon and then leave that group you are still in that dungeon and can get the loot at the end chest. This explains to me how come…
  • I agreee with the first reply to this thread. Solo bosses too hard and that's a farking fact. Oh it is so great to sit here and tell all how you are such a hero and did all these hard bosses "just by knowing your skills" etc etc. But reality is that the Scalefather boss for instance throws his red circles that are pure…
  • All I want to know about this patch is how long is the downtime. I tried to log in and it says that server is unavailable. In all 'news' threads it never says from when to when it will be downtime, in fact I never even knew that there is going to be a downtime. So if it is not stated in the 'news' where does it say from…