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  • Not too sure about the HotN complaints you refer to, they don't have any queue issues as they get priority login, also the game has felt far from a ghost town over the last few days, agree with the sentiment though that the F2P community is important in any F2P game (ironic that) Also, while they may have provided the…
  • Thanks zock, yeah had done that. My issue has now been resolved, I received replies via email to the ticket I submitted and am now able to log in, thanks for the speedy action PW. So if anyone else is having the same issue and getting "You are unable to play" on login when they purchased HotN the I would suggest submitting…
  • Thanks but when I go into USER CP there is no option for me to do that, there is no 'Permissions Group' area, that would indicate that my account probably hasn't been updated properly to show HotN, however showing the title on the forums is the least of my concerns, I only highlighted that is an indication that my account…
  • I bought Hero of the North founders pack but get "you are unable to play at this time" message when I try to log in, i know the server is up because a friend is currently playing. Have submitted a ticket on this ref#130425-000666. I got the email stating that I can now play, but I also notice that on these forums I still…