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  • You guys sometimes show close to zero brain. What's the point in saying "you can creat a premade without a guild/group" ? The K button is there for that reason. If someone queues it's just like asking in /zone if someone wants to queue, it's one of the dumbest thing ever. How can i be sure none of the people i queue with…
  • I'll ignore the first guy who replied because someone starting a conversation with "the problem is you" doesn't deserve a reply. Also i keep noticing this forums are full of frustrated persons that feels like attacking everyone without trying to have a normal conversation, this may be the last time i post in this bad…
  • Wrong. Not everyone can or just likes to play with a guild/friends, the system should work for solo players too. I'm in a friendly guild with my brother and real life mates and not always everyone's online or wants to pvp. According to your statement i don't have the right to enjoy pvp because i'm not with a group. This is…
  • I totally agree on the horses thing. At least if they have to be included in PVP make em the same speed. I just got smashed dozens of time while making succesful 1v3 escapes after trying to cap a point just because two of them had the Inferno Nightmare. This is just wrong and considering the PVE queues takes ages to start…
  • Read THIS you smartas*es, that's what i was talking about as i even said this happens ON THIS CHARACTER ONLY Bye bye.
  • I didn't say it was impossible, you can't even read and you pretend to explain me how much i know about programming. Also i don't get what sucks so much in your guys life to come here and pretend to act like people's stupid. I reported an issue that's happening to me and makes me NOT enjoy the game as it should and you all…
  • That sentence clarifies how much you know about programming and computer which, no offense, should be around 0 out of 100. You can't tell "provide some pseudo-code" because: A) every language has its own code(and i don't know how they programmed the game) B) even if i knew the language as i already said i don't know which…
  • The quantity of idiots on this forum defending a broken system is way too much, i think i'll ignore my own thread. Point out there's a problem for everyone to enjoy the game more = marked as an idiot who "doesn't understand probability" even though i'm a programmer myself. Thanks guys, really. Keep playing with a broken…
  • This! Finally someone who tested on his own. I'm not talking because it felt that i lost some kits. I'm talking because until now basically all of my kits broken, i've had luck with 10 i guess and if you consider how much you find until level 25 that's TONS of destroyed kits! The rethoric speech guys can talk as much as…
  • Yeah but it may be bugged, i had another character and didn't have a single problem with this till level 15.
  • Read the first part of my last post. Just asked my brother, he broke only 8 kits on his way to 52. There's something terribly wrong going on.
  • I found it funny how people don't read the threads. I already said, as a programmer myself, that for a computer-programmed percentage(and not a real life one completely ruled by chaos and luck) if they say that's the percentage then it should be around that number, meaning non less than 6 working kits out of 10. I won't…
  • I have trouble converting the patch time to my local(italian) time to understand how much it'll take. Any tips?
  • I know, we're on the same boat..i just thought this boat didn't start to sink before level 10 .-. By the way when PW will answer me i'll update the thread!
  • Yeah i know, fact is this is a computer programmed thing hence the displayed percentage = the real one you get in game +- some minor tweaks to add the luck factor. I wanted to understand if it was just me but seeing people wasting 10-15 kits on mid game nodes makes it clear that something's bugged, also because everything…
  • That doesn't apply when a thing is programmed to be around a defined percentage. And that makes two. I'm a programmer myself and i've already programmed percentage stuff which works around that exact percentage. Never had so much weird results with my programs, which were probably simplier but still, again, it's a thing…
  • If you read i kept the numbers, why didn't you also read i posted them? The 35 kits broken till level 20 on 40(now 37/43) wasn't random stuff. I totally agree with this. I'm not arguing about the fact i want more drops, i am a D&D player myself and having a class-only thing in the party is great. Fact is most of the time…
  • I'll continue to keep the numbers on then, cause so far it's been a huge break loss and on a new character at lower levels it shouldn't be this way. I don't get the crafting mats due to this and i have to level with the slow and small things, which shouldn't happen early on. ^^^ THIS! There's not much to argue about. I…
  • Ok since according to what you said i can't understand simple concepts and you really think that so much kits breaking(other two out of 42 now) is just a random chance and not something wrong with the nodes, kit levels or percentages i won't bother replying to you anymore. If someone else has any clue about why i'm still…
  • I don't get what your problem is, really. I'm talking about a personal experience i had in the past three days and you seem to write everything just to say i'm wrong, or i red wrong, or i'm not understanding something or wathever. I'm not stupid and i play MMORPG's since ages, so i know how these things SHOULD work. BTW…
  • clortbags if everyone i ask says it's 75% you probably have something wrong displaying. If it's like xiolin says it's 75%, fact is it still should be more yes than no even if it was 65 and to me it's alway a no-go.
  • I just checked it and there's no percentage description in the inventory. The 75% one is the % you read when attempting to use a kit, so it's just weird that i got so many failures. I will update the post as soon as i'll try more kits but i'm quite sure there's something strange going on with the disaplyed percentage and…
  • If it was 5 or maybe 6 out of 10 which broke i would agree with you. If it's 90% of the kits broken on the way to level 20 you can guess it's not about bad luck, but there's something wrong with the game.
  • What do you mean? That if a node breaks once it'll tend to do the same on that node again? This is just wrong, at least they shouldn't write "75% of success" because when i red that i went like "nice, most time it will work!" and then, as i said, i'm sure that 9 times out of 10 i break the kit. Actually, of all the kits i…