Make a healer enchantment that gives 10% Control Bonus and 10% Control Resistance. At Mythic: whenever you cast a heal spell, any allies affected by the heal or cure receive +20% incoming healing for 12 seconds.
Being a former bomb tech, I have a pretty creative mind. Whether its componentry, method of function, placement of item, desired result, second and third order of effect, ICP placement, secondary search, proper approach, or a countless number of other considerations, I've been pretty imaginative. Never could I fathom a…
I recommend the following Change: Swath of Destruction - Scorching Burst now leaves a burning swath of fire for 8 seconds equal to its cast radius. Any enemy standing within the ring of fire takes 50% more damage from your fire based attacks. You may only have one Swath of Destruction active at a time. Casting a new Swath…