There is no point to having mythic enchantments with different ILs. Either keep the IL the same for old and new enchants or make a new color beyond mythic and let us upgrade our account bound enchants using only one coal rather than make us start over again from scratch. You still make some zen without completing…
can you please at least let us know if your working on the issues over the weekend and a hint at what the 2 remaining issues are so maybe the player base can help try to solve it or come up with a workaround?
Prolly in the wrong forum here but it'd be fun if the Devs could incorporate eggs like Pokemon Go where different eggs show up randomly in different locations at different times. It'd encourage people to be in the game longer and be more like real DnD if you actually had to search the map for treasure.
While these bugs should be fixed there are bigger issues in the game that should have higher priority than who is on top of the DPS board. Eg. Fix the random Qs on PC and Reapers on console.
your proposal is to turn NW into a mall. i appreciate the game needs whales to survive but players should be expected to play some content at least and not just buy everything. sell stuff that will help playes w the content (comps, mounts), not the rewards from the content. make the content more accessible (get Demo out of…
Unbind tokens should only unbind items once. ie LH weapons should become BTC again once equipped. Makes money for the game and it's more fair to the people who spent all those hours farming Tomm. Content from the last 12 months should not be unbound. not fair to the people who grinded things out and no one will play…
allowing players who are below the required IL doesn't seem like a good idea to me for the following reasons: 1. so not D&D. in the board game D&D, a level 10 cleric cannot go into a level 20 map area. 2. there'd be NO incentive to get to the required IL if everyone can play anyway. also, who's going to want to play the…
Please change compy to % damage from % power. lots of people, including me, paid real $ for it and if you want us to trust using real money again, you can't keep nerfing the stuff you sell us.