Yes even if only people of the class that can wear the item can roll need, that will still bring plenty of extra items to the trade house. And perhaps for example : there are 2 rogues rolling on gear in a dungeon, even if one of them have full epic and is only rolling to sell. Then at least the guy that doesn't have it…
I pretty much abhore the current BoE system, I would much have preffered what someone mentioned that Need Roll : BoP and Greed Roll : BoE since this would allow the system to work like it does now but gives people who needs it inside the dungeon group priority. (wouldn't work if you could unbind it I suppose though) But…
I personally won't buy the things I do want to buy as it stands right now, the prices just feels greatly out of wack when compared to what you recieve. Also alot of the "complaints" (not all perhaps) would disapear if they stopped trying to smack you in the face with the Zen options, the lockboxes (they drop far to ****…