Is this going to be fixed soon? Consistently being disconnected when I am loading into a dungeon or trial. Was doing Vault of Stars with my alliance and the tank got disconnected during the first boss fight. Did the Frozen Heart reapers with my guild and all 5 of us were disconnected at the same time after the defeating…
I haven't pugged an advance queue or trial queue until today. My toon was an alt barbarian at 72K item level. Got Crown of Keldegonn and I was the only one who knew the mechanics of the trial. It was an absolute wipe in the first phase, even the basic of the red circles under your feet to move away from the group as to not…
Black unicorn and dragon hunter companion still cannot be reclaimed even after yesterday's patch. Had purchased 2 20 key bundles in the Zen market and purchased 40 omen lockboxes in the Wondrous Bazaar. The toon I did this on was Rolen Darksbane@CurrentDragoon
I ended up taking the long route in going past the Precipice to reach Quorthon. Once I got there, was able to interact with Quorthon and continue the quests.
Also there are a lot fewer players playing NW. That doesn't help the queue times as well. Started a new Gith barbarian last nite and the avg. wait time in the random leveling queues was between 15 to 18 minutes. Absolutely brutal!
Hello, I currently have a level 74 Barbarian, Orion SkullDagger in the guild, He is a Mastercrafter. Was wondering if I could please get an invite for a second toon, a level 75 Barbarian, Lucifer GreyCloak@CurrentDragoon. Thank you.
I ran some 100% pug groups. I got into eToS for my intermediate q. I ended as a wizard with most healing out. Yup; the healer was that bad; he had half o my healing out as a healer. Damage in; I had the most damage in on my wizard, 3x of that as the tank. Looking at the threat bar; I had threat the whole run; tank could…
It's not just TR weapons, I wanted to transmute some weapons for my gwf and gf. I think I couldn't change the weapons with the crafted steel and mithral weapons.
Once I got used to the changes, I find the crafting process much easier now. Have my workshop to level 3 and can craft some pretty decent gear (rings, armour r and weapons). It's all good.
You can buy genie's gifts off the AH and exchange them with the vendor in Mantol Derith if you want to advance the campaign faster. I also like the Maze Engine campaign and it is my favourite as well
Have to agree with all of the above as well. Even managed to get a legendary bat swarm mount from a Undying Lockbox on the first day. Like the selection of good gear you can get as well.
Hello! I would like to join your guild. I currently have a level 70 gwf and I would support the guild either thru gameplay or donations. My GT is The Dark Overlord@currentdragoon.