Thank you all for your reactions and responses! However, turning everything down to the lowest possible setting resulted in... no change. Like a week ago, the game worked fine. Now, it's all laggy and with loads of delays. I don't know, I'd like to hear some 610M-owners' voice :/
1. Queue system 2. AH (filters don't seem to work properly) 3. Make skirmishes and dungs worth the time wasted (loot from every boss is just riddiculous) 4. PvP (AFK bots, rewards, pots should heal instantly and a little less - it's annoying to fight someone under its effect...) 5. GF block and aggro 6. Cleric's double…
1. Not supporting 2. Not supporting!!! (oh, please, tell me more how you want to have shiny armors; this ain't a freaking WoW, DnD system is more like... hmm... for grown-ups) 3. Supporting (yeah, this is silly option) 4. Supporting 5. Supporting (I already suggested this few weeks ago; I don't think this will ever happen,…
Hmm :( I patched the game successfully, and now I'm getting only "Unable to start game client: The operation completed successfully." message when I click Play button. Anyone else getting this, or is there a known fix to this? tyvm