Neither is bottlenecking. First, make sure your video card is properly inserted. Next, make sure you are running genuine Microsoft Windows software, then run a virus check. I would recommend using Malwarebytes. I am running 8gb/i7-3770/Ati Radeon 7770 and have no issues on max settings at all.
Sorry for the late reply, the nw forums wouldn't load for me. I said economic freedom, d3 has far more freedom than any other game. As far as d2 goes, you have no idea what you are talking about and I'm not going to argue why. Keep items BoE and do not change anything at all. It was a lot of little suggestions like that…
It's a better design choice in my eyes. For example, if I win a rogue chest piece, I can trade it for a Wizard chest piece, Guardian Long Sword. It gives me far more freedom and may or may not require some extra time and skill. Games should require some time and skill. Trading is NOT hard, you just learn the value of…