I see a lot of changes that needed to be addressed. VERY happy you are getting the auction house up and running. One quick issue I did not see address here is to do with UI. As a totally new to MMO type of games player I found several things on the UI to be very hard to figure out. For one, the size of the lettering in the…
I have no idea of what happened. I did not know you could level out a quest. It was one of the missions that is directly given you from the game play, not a foundry or daily of any kind.
Well, I finally got my character to level doing foundry missions so now I have quests for the new level but never got to complete the ones from the previous level. I guess it is not a big deal, as long as I can still play that character. I would have hated to start all over.
My answer today, after all this time is that they have to many requests for support and they can not help me. I was not surprised, in fact, about this reply considering all the issues caused by the tampering with the astral diamond market and the confusion that caused. I am sure that while everyone was focused on that…
Well, that was rather interesting. It did have a list there and I selected a skirmish and was in the queue for it, but I was never called to join and when I went back to look, nothing was in the queue. That is not the kind of quest I am talking about though, I am talking about the ones you get from the NPC characters that…
I think my son tried that. He has been playing since the early beta's and knows more about the UI than I do. He can not figure it out either. I will try it again, though.
I am a brand new member of Grievance guild and I have to say I am impressed by the friendliness of everyone so far and how willing people are to share info and help this total novice at using Team Speak ind playing MMO type of games. If you are looking for a great guild, this seems to be just that. thanks to the members…
I am off to join now..... I like the idea of no enforced play style. So many I see are this or that. I am to new, I do not know what my play style will be. Thanks!
Cym, my toon is named Tymorial and this is my first real experience with MMO type of play. I live in the Atlanta greater metro area and grew up in Indianapolis, so the Midwest is very much home in a lot of ways. I hope to see you around. What character class do you play? I am a rogue.
You sound like me, I am getting through the quests OK and playing the game with no problems but the chat app, I have no clue how to use it. I do know you can use /say is local talk only people near you will hear it, /zone is map talk everyone on the map will hear you . I hope you are enjoying the game.
Acylion, thanks so much for all of this. I think a couple of things may even be new info for my son, which is rare. He is a game design student and avid MMO/RPG gamer and can keep up with the best of them, usually leading the pack. He has many friends playing here and in other MMO's so he has a great time. I would imagine…
I may have to create a half orc too. I love playing them. My character is a rogue and her name is Tymorial. I am about to go ingame at the moment so I will keep in mind all you have said. Thanks again.
Dwarf tossing is a big NO NO, I agree, plus the dwarf I would toss would likely be my son, who has been playing since first BETA. Thanks to everyone who responded. Would any of you mind if I add you as a friend? The only other person I know who is playing is my son and as you may guess, he does not want to play with his…
I had this problem, read the reply here about Teamviewer, shut it down and now I can log in just fine. I would suggest to any of you who are having this issue to look at other applications you may have running to see if any of them could be blocking you.
I can not log in either with my existing account which is logged in here and my client is just crashing completely. No invalid PW or user name error, just a plain old crash.