Guys this worked for me; Just click the fvck out of the Login button, about 20 times. Sit back and wait. It got me in. P.S. If it worked for you, and you're in Mindflayer. Send me a ^5 it /tell. :D
"Disconnected from login server..." I've received this message since before and after the short maintenance. I created 2 characters but never actually got to log in the game. 10:05 EST here and still can't even see the game.
I found a way around the launcher, RC your desktop shortcut, Open the Neverwinter folder, then the Live folder. Double click GameClient. Unfortunately i'm now stuck on the (Connecting to Account Server...) screen. Times out after a while. I hope this works for you all, if it does let me know. If I find a solution to the…