News flash: rogues have stealth, it is limited but it's part of the game. News flash: Control Wizards have teleport, it's part of the game. No they cannot teleport indefinitily. Looks like you need to learn the powers and their limitations of the other classes. BTW, rogues have a pseudo teleport skill as well. If they have…
datemper, I agree that in game monitors (DM/GMs) would go a long way to curbing the issue for the more obvious bots; however, the problem with that is, either Cryptic has to pay employees to monitor the game 24/7 or find reliable volunteers over the internet that are willing to do the same and are sincere (good luck on…
Since every MMO has botters (at least the ones I've been on) what are some suggestions for Cryptic to quash botters? (Cryptic would probably get to them faster if they knew someway to take them out without annoying players).
GG was a major yawn...that was the big launch content? I was also expecting the drow race at launch but that was non-existent. Since they seem to be expecting Foundry to keep the game alive, they need to improve the foundry rewards for toons above level 59, at least.
It has to be said, unless you are pvping a rogue that is several levels above you, a CW should not lose to a rogue. Learn your class! P.S. I play both, with the right build, you can defeat a rogue.
Hmm, I did not realize that the GWF was Sgt Knox. He looks a little different in game than in the trailer. Makos you definitely find in game unless you don't talk to the Teilfing<sp> next to the dracolich. Would love to meet Xuna but as for Celeste, one cleric is as good as another.
Looks like the same trailer that's been out for quite a while. However, thanks for the link to the web site that details the "Summer" update "Fury of the Feywild". Now if there was only a release date.
Actually, they don't have to make special content, just test if there is a party or a single player and adjust the difficulty based on that. Granted there are a couple of issues to work out but I've seen it done before in a MMO.
Um, I'm honestly not the one to ask. I've only played a couple of other MMO's before this. Of the ones I've played though, I've never seen one that a player could solo to the end-game like Neverwinter or as quickly. And the first MMO I played did not have a level cap, which I now know is unusual. Although, I don't know why…
While I can see guild halls and personal housing being Foundry based, the code's there to build enclosures, I think they should be in a separate category from Foundry quests. Also, it was stated before that is would be nice to be able to sell from your house but, it would also be nice if a guild could set up a store as…
When you hire your first Apothecary, don't forget to complete that task. Then you can do level one tasks (guess who forgot :P. Took me a couple to realize it)
I started with Greyhawk and played up to 2nd Edition. I thought that 2nd fixed alot of the issues with Greyhawk and 1st ed. I just laugh when people in the forums complain that Neverwinter online isn't D&D. In Greyhawk, Gygan & HAMSTER left a lot of the rules to the DM's interpretation. Neverwinter online is how the DM…
Point given, the XP system seems to be geared for those who want to shortcut to the "end-game". Cryptic needs to put in an XP sink for thoses who are not trying to race to the level cap.
Sounds like you found a bug. As for the failsafe, going back to the start of the instance is the failsafe. I've gotten stuck in a few instances where the only way to get out is to log out, log in and start a new instance. It sucks but, would you rather be trapped in an instance?
I honestly don't think that it's possible to improve the entire community. Some changes that are planned will help but it seems that there is a "group" of players that only play to scam and/or annoy other players. The only solution is to find a group of friends or a good guild and insulate yourself from the community as…
Hopefully, they do conclude the Valindra storyline and not try to extend it into all the expansions. It would be refreshing to start a new story each expansion.