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  • Wow, just wow... Talk about take the money and run.
  • And force all the Drizzt clones to realize that Ranger can do something other than dual wield? Perish the thought...
  • The Adventurer's Pack in Guardian isn't the same thing as the Adventurer's Pack that they sell for $20. It should be on the last tab of the courier. It's basically a collection of items like XP boosts, Identify Scrolls and other consumables.
  • This. And this too.
  • If Perfect World considers this game to still be in a beta state, they shouldn't be selling anything for real world funds let alone the option to fix a character that may be unplayable due to bugs. Of course that opens the debate over this not having been a "beta" for a while now.
  • If that's the case, then they're a few years late to their own party... With D&D Next (5th edition) well in to development, bringing in a ton of new people in the hopes that they'll latch on to an edition that's on it's way out seems like a huge waste.
  • Unfortunately, (or fortunately if you enjoy it) this is what D&D has become. The 4th edition of the game initially featured a very dumbed down system compared to what previous additions had been. Right or wrong, it was done with the intention of drawing in more players specifically new players who and they wanted the…
  • Intentionally limiting the queue sizes in order to push a $200 "feature" is a pretty shady business move no matter what was posted when.