I need as many active players to join this saturday for an all out push on gaining more active members. We need to keep this alive and well. pm me if you have any questions also i may be looking into adding an officer to handle diff time zones and daily issues and support...since i can only login at night. Weekends are a…
Ok.....well....that didnt go as planned,,,,ppl we need ur support and activity in the guild to continue with proposed plans. Next weekend i will post an event that will hopefully be more suited to our average player. Say a 20-30lvl only dungeon run???? Let me know what yall think
If anyone is part of the guild...please check the event for this coming Saturday. It will be exclusive to all level 60 players. We will be hitting as many epic dungeons as possible. The time will be 12pm PST. Make sure you join properly
sorry i have been afk...for the last week or so...work comes first i guess...lol We are looking at doing some epic dungeon runs for all lvl60 ppl. If that is what ur looking to do...join us on TS at TS.ADKGamers.com:3796
Just an fyi...once the foundry issue is corrected...hopefully in the next eon...lol I will be building some small...quick maps to gain experience in the the foundry...than I will be going deep into the myth and lore of d&d so be prepared....if anyone has some old notebooks filled with history of old school d&d please feel…
Hey all....i would like to introduce myself as your new Guild Commander for NW. If you have any issues or questions in game or random stuff in general hit me up. Add when u have the time. I will beginning focusing on the foundry setup to create a gamer supplied run. If you have any ideas that u would like to see...let me…