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  • Preview server? Is this for PC? I'm strictly xbox and we don't have anything like that. I don't even own a computer :P
  • Hey Wayne. I looked closely at your build, and you are missing one of the key components to doing massive damage. And that is the "Focused Destroyer" feat, 5th column on the Destroyer path. Initially, your "Destroyer" ability can only proc when you hit 3 or more enemies with a single swing. Having this feat will make it…
  • Nope. Was saving it until I got my dragonflight piece. The same thing happened this morning with an alliance member, swapped rank 9 enchantments with rank 10s (about 5 of them) and his item level went down. Wtf is going on?
  • Alright then, my opinion was based purely off of what i've seen and went through in game. I still cannot get anyone to ally with my guild (Starbound Beasts). So, if you want to prove me wrong, send my guild an alliance request. If you want to prove me right, just let the days pass by without one and I would have made my…
  • I'll do further testing if I can. My guild is pretty small and we just started out a couple of months ago (When I started playing). It's just me and my wife at the moment, and she's a TR lol. We play every single day, and we love the game. Ive always played games like this, and have coded a few myself towards the end of…
  • Hey Armadeonx, I appreciate you taking the time to check up on that for me. It occured to me that the decrease in losing the 300 or so defense would cause the buff from ITF to decrease slightly, but I have a hard time believing that it would make a considerable difference such as causing my other encounter powers to be…
  • Ok, let me clarify this with all of you. I'm not an idiot. I know I'm no longer getting the elemental fire set bonus. Big whoop, I'm not getting the extra 1500 hp and 300 to defense or whatever. Those two stats should not make me go from doing 30-40k lunging strikes down to 9k. Yes. That's how badly this new weapon change…
  • My wife and I also are experiencing this problem, and have been the last couple of days. Although it only seems to affect us via "lairs" such as the campaign lairs like Celedaine in Sharandar or The Forge, etc. In Dread Ring. Please fix soon, we normally do these quests together and it's not as fun without her.