Yeah...The problem is also not only that someone "wants to see their dmg to feel better" -> its mainly to stop other players from being jerks. Bot also I can't see a difference if Im doing different rotations and using different skills. I cant see difference between doing buffing better and worse.
Well the problem is - little people like to play tanks and healers. But there are people who love that - like me. I always loved playing healers. Neverwinter is the first game when Im feeling sad about my class. Maybe its because there IS this ending screen - in many games there is no sum up like that after…
Dont you think then it would be a good idea to move the "buffed" dmg to a cleric on the ending screen? It would probably quiet the jerks and make others want to play cleric more. There is lack of clerics and tons of dpses on end game (at least thats what I heard), maybe if clerics got to see the big numbers on screen…
Hello. I'm replying here because I can't post a new thread, I started playing just a little bit ago. I wanna share my view on playing a cleric and ask for advice. I started palying with friends because in most games I enjoyed playing a light mage healer type. I really like clerics animations etc. We played through 1-40…