I'm indifferent to the changes for two reasons. 1. I'm not actively playing Neverwinter at the moment since I've exhausted the fun of the current content. 2. It'll be really nice to not login a couple of times a day just to do leadership. It was easy AD for the time involved but it was horribly tedious (I have one…
Because I'm int hat sort of mood I will point out that this could be considered as Crytpic listening to their player base. Whilst I was never in favour of the idea there have been calls from the community in the past to remove AD from leadership or leadership altogether.
If I was in a guild and it was applicable then my vote would go to "No, I hate PVP I will never participate in that." Although it's not the idea of PvP gameplay I dislike it's more the way a certain element of the player base treats PvP. It becomes and unreliably enjoyable experience.
This is quite interesting. The reality in Neverwinter is that players seem to be far more interested in using the AH to profit rather than as a way to share unwanted items. It's a rich get richer system. If someone posted something for cheap it's far more likely that it will be purchased and resold at a higher price rather…
That summarises me as well. I've declined all guild invites to date both from those I've played with along with the random ones that pop-up periodically for the much the same main reasons. This was actually my sole concern with mod 7, that my play time would be intruded upon by in increase in the number of random guild…
Not a huge surprise. I'll see how it plays. As it's the only daily I think I've ever used on the Paladin I'm unlikely to unslot as a result of this change.
I've been getting predominantly talismans and icons if I get anything. All I want is some Loyal Commander rings for my healer companions :(. Then there was the one time the other day when I got 4-5 loyal items in one run. I really dislike the RNG in the game, it feels rigged for want of a better term. 'You get nothing, you…
I've not tried Nimbus Tower but your comment reflects my overall experience. I've had few problems in any solo content with characters that can tank or have good control powers, i.e. can take or avoid damage. My damage dealers, particularly the ranged ones have struggled. My healers haven't faired well either but I've not…
Call me cautious but I wouldn't be expecting mounted combat based on the text description. It's not much to go on but reads more like an artifact type effect, i.e. push mount button whilst in combat, get x effect.
The main problem I have with the overflow power point randomness relates to upgrading powers to rank 4 and the 70 points spent + level 70 requirement. My pre-mod 6 characters are fine, they have plenty of power points from the old system and can upgrade all used powers to rank 4 once they hit level 70. My Paladin needs 8…
I like the idea of artifact gear (and weapons, artifacts) but IMO we have more than enough currently. The theory of improving your gear as you play being fun is something I agree with. Improving my gear is part of improving my character and that's a fundamental part of why I play RPG games. The main problem is that the…
As a casual and time limited player I guess I'm lucky in that the only anti-botting measure that's annoyed me is the leadership delay, now gone. The rest listed don't really affect me since they're progression related and my progression goals are low due to lack of time. I don't pay to make things faster, I pay for…
I picked up the ToD campaign L70 artifact weapons for my GF and subsequently 5 other characters after deciding Spinward Rise progress was too tedious for my tastes. After reading on the forums that there was a difference between the two weapons I completed Spinward Rise on my GF. There was no difference, the weapons were…
Not everyone is prepared to spend really money on the game and pretty standard f2p that if you don't spend money you spend time. In the past the were many more ways to convert time into AD, perhaps they made some people too 'rich'. If there's a move away from being able to earn AD by playing that's fine but there needs to…
If you see this as being 'scammed out of your money' you probably shouldn't spend money on a game that is in active development. Things change, prices change. What you buy today may never be the same again. Be cautious with how you spend.
I haven't played my CW much as I've been focused on other characters but as a full Oppressor also using Steal Time my solution is to freeze/stun them, with the White Dragonwing being the highest priority. CC is my only defense as I can't take a hit. I can do this at ~L64 with pre mod 6 gear, again though it's been more of…
^ I tried that last night without success. I was looking at some of the command lines on the wiki as well be didn't get time to try them. Regardless I've been unable to figure out how to actually move the scoreboard let alone get the game to save the new position. I'm most interested to see if this is possible and whether…
Neverwinter is the only MMO I've ever played where I've reached the level cap, in that regard it's the least grindy MMO I've ever played. My list of MMOs played isn't especially extensive though. Of course Neverwinter has shifted the grind to other areas of the game. For me at least these are somewhat optional so I don't…
This is exactly what caused me to misjudge the change in difficulty in mod 6. I was playing a Protection Paladin followed by a GF, both designed to be able to take damage. When I started playing my squishier characters I understood the complaints. In some ways I don't mind if the difficulty remains, provided gear (if this…
Short answer, actually yes. Longer answer. For me at least it's been dependent on class. I started mod 6 by creating a Paladin. At level 60 I started on Sharandar, Dread Ring and Well of Dragons not noticing any massive spike in difficulty. Cult Prison was roughly as difficult for my Paladin in mod 6 as it was for other…
Are these the rare level 25 crafting tasks? They're not going to be viable for many I'd think because of the requirements, both consumables and tools. Anything less than a tier 3 results doesn't have an enchant slot.
A couple of my more favoured changes: - Companion changes - 5 free levels and they revive themselves after a short period. - Artifact main and off-hand are obtainable in solo content. Another Tiamat would have broken me.
Interesting, thank you. I'll look into it. Edit: The L70 artifact weapon I have in my collections says it's obtained from Spinward Rise and there there no other. I'll have to wait and see what I get as a reward when I do eventually complete Spinward Rise, perhaps this weekend.
I agree on the tedious nature of progressing through the EE content. I personally don't mind the 16 vigilance tasks, it's the combination of that many tasks and the fact that most can take a while to complete. Pick one, 16 quickish tasks or a smaller number of lengthy tasks. I'm not too fused at this point though because I…
After starting mod 6 by creating a Paladin (Protector) I didn't really see any difficulty problems with the content. I've now had a chance to play most of the other classes with the exception of the GWF and HR. In WoD at least my tank classes, OP (L65) and GF (L70 but still in mod 5 gear) can do fine. My Oppressor CW (L63)…
Valid points. Part of the problem may well be feedback related. I've not kept up to date with every thread but thinking back I only recall threads commenting on how easy the game was. It's the nature of gaming forums, you hear more from those that want change. In that regard I'm not surprised that the difficulty was…
A companion does count as an ally for Stem the Tide and you do no get the bonus if they are within 30'. Having said that, 30' isn't a long distance and depending on the companion you can get that amount of separation from them. I'm using it with a Battlefield Medic and I see Stem the Tide active on occasion. Still I mostly…
I expect it's impossible to get any kind of accurate estimate on the numbers of happy vs unhappy with regards solo difficulty. There's going to be a reliance on player feedback and in the regard I'd be a little surprised if there wasn't a move to scale things back since the 'this game is too hard' threads are a new thing…