This thread has been looked at numerous times, by numerous mods, and we have all decided that the complaints being made, are not valid, this is not a nerf/buff thread.. That being said, since it is obvious that certain people cannot play nice, I am going to close it, because honestly, I'm sick of hearing about it. Have a…
From a personal standpoint, I do not understand why anybody would want to go to a 3rd party 'gold seller', when it is perfectly easy to purchase zen and convert it to astral diamonds through official methods. I know what some people will say, that gold sellers are offering astral diamonds at half the cost, but that again…
Sites that claim to sell AD in game, are generally little more than criminal enterprises. By giving them your credit card information, you are putting your information at risk of later fraud. The AD that they provide, is often gained through less than legal methods, often taking it from stolen accounts. The sellers…
I'm afraid that is something very unlikely to happen, not for nothing, the GWF sprint ability, is considered to give them the most mobility of any class.
There appears to be far too much posturing and provocation in this thread, so for now, I'm going to close it down. Please guys, try to be nice to each other.
I have removed the offending link altogether, any further posts containing such links will be removed and warnings issued. It is quite possible that Blanchardtech is suffering from some malware infection, I checked the gateway myself, and all seems well. To that end, I would suggest doing a proper virus scan, and as…
I don't think that it was ever truly a case of not being able to, but as I am sure that you are aware, the auction house is an extremely complex database structure, and the engineers were not able to be 100% confident that they could do the merge without some data loss, so a decision was taken to go down the original…
One of the effects of the spellplague, was that the city Neverwinter and its surroundings, was split into three distinct realms, though it were possible to feel the echoes of the other not quite forgotten realms, it was impossible to pass from one to the other, families were torn asunder, and people feared they would never…
I have to agree somewhat, this would have been better in a week or so, when people get paid, as opposed to right now, when most people are strapped for cash.. but *shrugs* can't have everything..
The biggest problem as I see it, is that I've always believed that you should do the zone first, then do the dungeon which 'completes' the zone, but 9/10 times, you will have outlevelled the zone, by the time that happens.
The last online, should appear under 'status' in the guild roster. However, as mentioned, it broke a few patches ago. That being said, you can still use the roster on the gateway, to see when people were last online.
If I remember correctly, the deserter buff, was applied to anybody that exited from the battlestation for any reason at all, and lasted 15 minutes. There was a further level to it, all players started with an 'honour' of 10, every time you joined the PVP queue, your honour was reduced by one, upon completing the battle, it…
What you can or cannot see by hanging out in Protectors Enclave, is of no importance to this thread. Images that get posted should not depict actions that could cause offence, and those that do will be removed. That is in accordance with the rules of conduct that all forum users agree to when they make any and all posts.…
I'm afraid that thread necroscopy is something we cannot have around here, we don't want lots of little vampire threads running around, so I'll just close this one quietly before it gets itself into trouble. Feel free to create new threads, just please, don't resurrect the dead.
I'm afraid that thread necroscopy is something we cannot have around here, we don't want lots of little vampire threads running around, so I'll just close this one quietly before it gets itself into trouble. Feel free to create new threads, just please, don't resurrect the dead.
I'm afraid that thread necroscopy is something we cannot have around here, we don't want lots of little vampire threads running around, so I'll just close this one quietly before it gets itself into trouble. Feel free to create new threads, just please, don't resurrect the dead.
It worked, and now it doesn't, the dev team are aware of the problem and are working on a fix.. stamping your feet and shouting about it, won't make it fixed any quicker, it will be fixed when it is fixed..