I attempted to look this up... As best I could work out, it was around 121 Present reckoning... Don't remember what that was converted to Dalereckoning, though... I remember looking it up for the quest I made, but since the character used PR, the Dalereckoning year became an afterthought and is subsequently currently lost…
The latest I've played happens to be Nyghoma's Temple of Lolth (short codes already been given by a previous poster ;)). He put a lot of loving into his environments and it shows. It's honestly one of the best scapes I've seen so far. Good things can be expected in the future from this author, for sure.
You could also have the NPC disappear on "Component Complete" and and have the trigger target said NPC and have an enemy encounter (skinned exactly like the NPC) appear when "Component Complete" also targetting the NPC. This, however, is easier to do, if the dialogue consists of a single line of back-and-forth. As for your…
Thanks for those catches. Odd that the portal's broken now, was working more than fine earlier. Gonna have to check on that light again... Thought I had it right when I adjusted it, but apparently not... lol. And as for the spelling error, much appreciated. Someone else mentioned that, but I was apparently looking in the…
Umm... Well, the Prologue's an intro to Fort Neverember, but doesn't really detract from the story if it happens to be skipped. Guess it depends on what you'd like. More combat (or sense thereof) would label the prologue as the best choice. More puzzle and also a much more fantastic environment would label the first…
Whichever you'd like... Don't really need reviews (though more would always be welcome). Got the 5 I need, just need to reach 20 plays for each for them to become daily eligible. Guessing that Temple of Lolth is currently your only quest?
Actually, from what I've seen (and tested), it works (as intended) when set to false, but when set to true, it never appears (whether you have the item/skill or not).
Heya, Winter. I got around to playing The Green Zone. Quite a fun little romp. There were a few minor things I noticed that could be rectifiied rather easily. The first is the upper terrace area, after the Red Flag. You can pretty much walk around the entire thing and while the quest objectives won't exactly let you skip…
Don't forget to add "of Gilead" at the end of whatever you decide... I hope quite a few get the reference... (or maybe it should be... "Too bad we can't..." instead of "Don't forget to...") On a side note... I don't know if a cat would represent the Foundry enough... They don't seem particularly... buildy... animals.
Republished. Adjusted the heights of certain buildings in preparation for details that will be "built" in the next installment of the Gray Portrait Campaign. Also, added grass to sync it up with the (newly) added grass in the prologue, and added the cobblestone pathways that were built in between the ending of the prologue…
No worries, bro. As for story development, I usually get the idea of what path I want the quest to take, then, after that, I'll start creating the environments. I usually don't work on the dialogue till after it's all done, but sometimes I'm inspired with certain characters, so I end up writing their dialogue when the…
Heya, Bando. I just finished playing Chapter 1. A very worthwhile endeavor. The details are very well done, though there are a few minor, slight-misplacement issues (the mis-alignment of the Seven Sails' walls in quite apparent and the scroll that's dropped by the guy who wants your letter is floating). The story premise…
Heya, Bandolini. Thanks for the feedback. I'll look into adding more stuff to the dock area. A for the rest of the environment, it'll grow in progressive chapters. Before it was a fortress it was a small, isolated fishing village. The Sparkly trail, I really have no control over. The odd thing is, in the Foundry, the trail…
re-published with some added flair. Added some (better placed) grass, as well as adjusted the heights of certain buildings in preparation for details that are being added in the first (of possibly many) Gaiden for the Campaign.
I agree. Oddly enough, I've had the path work perfectly in foundry (i.e. avoiding buildings I've placed) only to start trying to walk the player through buildings post-publish. Be nice if I could just place the sparkly path's way points...
Ugh... I hate that model. Boredom sets in extremely early for me in those types. And I think every game out there currently does cloth simulation better than NW (not really... just exaggeration for effect)... It annoys me to no end when my cloak gets stuck protruding my toon's stomach...
It looks like a beautiful game... You gonna hit up the English version when it's released or just say screw it because of the loss of the previously gathered gear?
The scientific one is still dictated by the subjective methods of gathering the information. In other words, the statement, "They think A is better than B," is objective, because it's not stating "A is better that B" (which is subjective). It's stating that, "They think A is better than B." Data gathered will just be…
That still doesn't discount the fact that it is a subjective belief held by a collective (put curtly, a 'collective subjectivity'). Gravity and how it worked were objective truths before Newton's discovery, he just confirmed it. You're, again, confusing, 'confirmation of objectivity' with actual 'objectivity.' They are not…
No, I understand your point. You are the one missing my point. What you're showing is that the confirmation of the objective truth, "I exist," requires subjective proof. "A fact," as we semantically understand it, is just a confirmation (also read subjective acceptance), of an objective truth. An objective truth is there…
Prove what? That awareness, and subsequently observation, is only necessary in confirmation of existence? I existed before you were aware of me. Your awareness of me, through our first spat, confirmed that existence. I existed before my brain was advanced enough to recognize my own existence. My development of…
Objective things exist whether or not anyone knows of them. They are there whether people are aware of it or not. Just because you weren't aware of me before our first spat, does not mean I didn't exist. Again, you're assuming that awareness of something is required for its objective existence. That's not true. Awareness,…
The sound waves that the tree makes through breaking apart and additionally through hitting the ground are still produced whether or not ears are there to translate the waves into what the brain understands as sound.
It actually can negatively affect a quest... though it requires the knowledge of how many times the quest was played... if, for instance a quest is played 1000 times, but it only has say 50-100 stars... A person will look at those two numbers, compare, and then surmise that the quest probably isn't that good.