I used the name Castellan online for about 10 years, but gave it up in about '99/00 because too many people wanted it. Castegyre/Castagyre references Sunda Kastagir from The Highlander the way it seems to be pronounced, but when the name is broken down it is more like Cast A Gyre which is a reference to magic users and CC…
I wouldn't mind seeing them be a text blurb or maybe effect something like merchant pricing. That would take effort I doubt the devs want to expend. What I would really like to see is some sort of 'none' option for deities, though; especially if they did decide to make it anything other than an RP choice.
I didn't get to play as much as I'd have liked to so I only made it to about level 15. I have to say, I also did not feel very controllery. When I think control I think of the Dom or 'troller from CoH or the Enchanters from EQ/EQ2. This class ain't it. I liked some of the tools I gained access to like Ray of Enfeeblement,…
I'd be ok with it if they do like what RIFT does with some of their special mounts. The mounts from buying the game or events or whatever go as fast as the fastest mount you have available to you (usually purchased). So they upgrade to remain useful as the speed of your fastest mount improves.
You hurry down the back streets of Neverwinter, pushing through the bustle of the city, and spy a side alley leading the direction you need to go. Deciding to take the short cut you duck into the alley only to find yourself promptly face to face with two older gentlemen arguing over their game of dice which you just…
Looking at how much effort SOE spends on feeding new housing and appearance items into their cash shops I have to think it's a money maker for them. If housing were well done here it shouldn't be any different for Cryptic/PWE, and that's all the incentive they should need to put it in the game.
It doesn't matter if the game has a sub or not. Cash shops didn't appear only when subs went away. If some companies think they can make money on something like lock boxes they'll shove them in the game sub or not. The payment model is irrelevant if the company running the game lacks integrity and the players have open…
I actually wonder if all of the brown books were added in how many race/class combinations 2e had. The amount of kits and variations was insane. I know, I had most of the books at one time.
I haven't played STO since it went FTP. I do play CO, though, and I never bother with lock boxes there. I don't miss out on a thing. Vehicles are interesting, but not needed to play the game. I'd hope lock boxes in this game are similar; fun for some but unnecessary for any. EDIT: Just a random thought on them, not reading…
I can only speak for my own experience and what I would tell people when the subject came up. I started playing CoH soon after launch and played it off and on until near it's closing down. I played STO after launch, but it wasn't for me. I still play some CO from time to time. So I experienced Cryptic before WoW changed…
I'd rather not spend hours rolling to be honest, but the system in place with the pretense of rolling is kind of lame. A point buy seems like a better way to do it.
I can see where you're coming from and agree to an extent. The FotM/cookie cutter build is what most people will be drawn to in these games no matter what options there are for allowing diversity. I've played so many of these games and the same holds true time and time again. Even in games like CO or CoX with very wide…