It's far from useless. With the right timing, encounter setup, ect, you can still do everything you could and more without the 2nd activation bonus. SoS, even after the initial 5 seconds, appears to reduce the damage your guard meter takes while it's active. but not the AP you gain from blocking. I just did SP and I found…
Interesting thread. I've been looking at builds for my respec, as I haven't yet used my free one from mod 2. However, one HUGE problem with this build: I've spent some time on the test server, and can confirm with absolute certainty that steel defense is NOT working whatsoever. I still take damage AND lose guard meter even…
Um. I'm not worried as much about the healing nerf for DCs as I am about us being forced to wear specific gear. It's bad enough we can't benefit from our set bonuses like the other classes can. In order to just stay alive we're forced to wear random blues with high defense. NOW I have to get rid of those blues that are…
I think there are a couple things that could easily fix this problem: 1) REPLACEMENTS! People disconnect. It's kinda not fair if you come back to not only zero rewards but also a 10 minute penalty just cause your internet had a short drop in service. People quit cause their opponents weren't the guild they were trying to…
The is our ONE decently hard-hitting move. It still often would only take off small portions of their health if they had good defense or procs. Why does THIS need to be nerfed while rogues can still one shot people? Combine this with the fact that we have no stuns of any worth whatsoever, unlike ALL the other classes, nor…
I think one of the most helpful things mentioned, even if nothing stun-related is changed, is making AS circles invisible to enemies. That alone would balance things out soo much (though not completely), and make healing more viable in pvp. As it is now, it is clearly obvious there is a healer nearby when you see that…
Not sure what your issue is, coronary. I'm unable to zoom in or out unless I have inspect mode toggled on (default B key). I'm talking about the feature that's normally present when you hold the ctrl key down and you have something targeted. The target marker on your screen then "sticks" to that target wherever they move,…