I got the same problem. Reinstalled NW after a several month hiatus and ofc now it wont work and I have exactly the same problem as you. http://www.mediafire.com/download/bchwgkfclr2i8n3/gameprefs.pref IDK if it is a pref problem or what but it is annoying. Like the previous poster I have tried the older installer, Arc and…
Like most rational people are saying it comes down to knowing your class that you picked out. If your supposed to be an expert at healing other people why would you complain about not being able to do lots damage? The "unbalanced" nature of the game makes you depend upon TEAMWORK. I have had my butt saved as a Rouge…
Rouges have some nasty draw backs. I just started a few days ago and dealing with bloody archers is bad enough. SO I now use the ranged throwing knives at max range to knock off as many as I can. I teleport in and deal damage and beat the HAMSTER out of everything. Then there came the PvE mages... Changed tactics again.…