The only thing this game has on WoW is the combat system and Foundry (which I don't care for). I've already gone back to PvPing on my 10 90s. This game has nothing to offer after playing it for a week.
It's not about the restoration of Restoring Strike that makes it attractive. Its the fact that it's pretty much the hardest hitting single-target encounter. Currently lvl 17 and my Resto Strike is critting for around 1k. It's a solid warrior execute-type move.
BUMP THIS TILL IT HAPPENS! If we have to pay so much for respecs, at least let us consult with our "class"mates about what works and what doesn't in an organized manner.
I'd accept the compromise of keeping things the way they are, just allow us to dual-spec. Heck they can even charge money for the dual-spec feature and I'd buy it along with all subsequent respecs for both specs. The way things are now, you only get one build and there really isn't any room for error. With the game being…