Perspective? Here's my perspective, I've already been through the loss of convenient online aps once already on Champions Online. I'm not going through this HAMSTER again on another Cryptic game. So, good bye. Once again, Cryptic responds to a problem with a lazy, brute force solution that inconveniences its users, rather…
Also, Craig's words on a recent podcast: "Go wild." Find a way to circumvent the server issues that don't involve a dialogue prompt limit or force authors to make arbitrary divisions in quests, okay? Or at least safely increase them to the 800 prompt range. You're smart. You can do this. If an author wants to write the…
This is an MMO forum. Face melting is the default condition. The reasons change, and forum communities always find a new reason when the old ones are dealt with, but the face melting, like war, never changes. (Which doesn't mean that the bug shouldn't be fixed ASAP, of course).
Even if they did, I don't begrudge NWO using CO assets, especially if tweaked for the engine. However... air guitar, formal bow, facepalm. and head butt emotes for CO, please.
I could certainly live with this restriction. It makes a lot of sense not to ignore folks out in the field. In a place like the Mask, however, I think it would be a godsend.
I'll crib something from Sorune's post, and add a couple of my own thoughts. 1. Restrict the chatban to only sending e-mail, zone, trade, and emote/local channels. Custom channels have their own mods that can silence people, guilds can remove spammers, and teams can kick. But restricting them from everything universally…