This is a fantastic idea! It would solve alot of problems. New content would be reduced to zen store updates. Saving Cryptic the hassle of developing "new" content that no one wants to do more than 3 times anyway. And would give people more time to stand around in PE and complain about the game.
The Holy Crusaders is a Pve focused guild that enjoys pvp as well, we have players from all over so we always have people online, we run two guilds back to back with a cross alliance chat, normally have 20-50 people online at all times. Our Guild Hall is currently rank 8 and we have marketplace 4. As to your questions. 1.…
Mod 6 put party composition back on the table, if you have a proper party 1 tank, 1 healer, 1 or 2 Crowd Control OR 1-2 DPS depending on the dungeon, with a decent amount of KNOWLEDGE OF THEIR CLASS you will likely complete most runs. But sadly when you pug you do not get this most of the time. My guild completes 95% of…
I just leveled a gwf alt up using azures and the inscribed gear (71.5 xp gain) and finished spinward and got my mainhand at lvl 68. To get to 70 i did fiery pit quests since they group nicely in zones and can be done quicker than most.
It is the inscribed shirts and pants 1500 zen in the store, reclaimable on all toons on that account, they do not have enchantment slots, but they do level up with you same as mulhorand or slayer gear. and 20% exp gain
If it is bind on equip you can preview it without binding it, by right clicking on it and selecting change appearance you will be able to view it without equipping it
I think if they could actually fix the disconnect issue, a good alternative to the leaver penalty would be a glory buy-in to pvp. You would be required to "pay" glory that would be refunded in addition to whatever glory you received from the match. I feel that would stop alot of ppl from just leaving and looking for easy…
There is no real way anyone can tell you which set is better for "YOU" since we don't know what artifacts you have, your boon progress, Enchants/and what levels. But you do not need to get the "SET" since there is no set bonus you can mix and match the pieces to best fit your stat needs.
Aura of Wrath only works with your actual hit points, so for best use if you can manage to keep your true hp at 50% and use templars or cleansing to keep temp hp high, your allies will get a very nice damage boost.
I specced this at one point and the ap gain from it is very weak compared to ap gain from relentlass or templars or any of your harder hitting encounters, so more encounters= more AP
Well it is nice to see an axe transmute, its a pity that it looks like your gal used a bedazzler on it. Im currently using the Longsword of the Fey, similar to a scimitar, only downside its worn on your back, under your shield.