I found out that this problems have mostly people who are using LTE internet so i do not know why but after last long maintance with this server refresh LTE connection is not compatible with NW. Please guys make something with this!!!
Me and friend of my are having the same internet from the same supplier but we live in different cities and also have same problem. After last maintenance launcher can't even update. Please help!!!
I also recommend Steel Defence on low IL. Everything fine malabogpigfeeder but one thing - earthen weapon set, You are loosing too much Defence on this Weapon Set, in my opinion the best is old one for GF Elemental Fire from module 6.
While I will finish making enchantments on r12 and I will upgrade companion all to epic and ioun to legend I wouldn't have anything to spent AD on so yes after I finish everything I will make myself rings for 1+ million AD not 3 :)
I was thinking about Rings of Rising Defence and Recovery but I would rather take pure statistics. I will gather some AD to buy Rosegold Restoration Rings (2 slots also) with much more Recovery than those I actually have. I know that it is really hard with Recovery that is gives really not much with every point, but I…
Every time I got hit on my rised shield i put Rising Pin on mob who hit me. Griffons Wrath is also very good but I am using it on Tiamat for example on each head. On the other side when I am on Lostmouth, each his attack is AoE and almost all the time crushing pin is on the foe so it's better, much more better than…
Fast question: I have 75% DR normally not in fight and when I will slot T. Negation this 30% DR from enchant will make ITF more powerfull like with 105% DR? I know about cap but does it takes also ITF?
There is one thing about stacking ITF with other GF in party. You can't stack encounter skill but you can stack feats like Rousing Speech or Inspiring Leader so damage nd AP gain for party from ITF of course if you have those feats in your build does stack - skill only can't stack. Checked it. ;)
You hardly noticed this Life Steal but it depends on it how much of this Life Steal do You have? It's good option with FR to survive but you are dependent from daily power, I want to make something selfhealing instantly without using FR but instead Villain's Menace and Terrifying Impact those are better dailys. Also I will…
Yup exactly what I am planning to make :) I was also with build on Swordmaster with Steel Defence but I've found no fun in it. I have to agree with you that this is very good way to survive but there is no challenge in immortality :) That's why I am back on Iron Vanguard and planning to make LS with Guarded Assault and…
Personally KV for me is a temporary protection for party until I get to the mobs and focus than on myself (aggro). Than buff from ITF and with good dps mobs just disappear before that catch aggro on someone else :) simple as f••• :D cheers
I've got resolve for you. If you are about 5%-10% of your HP turn off KV :) this problem hasn't been moved since 3rd module and I think it will never be fixed. Change your enchant to elven battle ot gives much more better profit than soul which is old and beginner enchantment. Cheers ;)
We've got saying in Poland about making characters in NWO: if you are for everything - you are useless. Dps, buffer, protector, pvp killer. If you would focus one max two things of that I mentioned you would be awesome GF. While you are trying on dungeons make DPS, buff and protect your teammates you certainly won't do any…
I've got one more question about Guarded Assault. Is it possible to use Life Steal with this passive power I mean can it be triggered from damage tha it gives?
I will actually rebuild my GF to make him......immortal without using Steel Defence ;) And I am using Lightning enchantment in weapon to increase aggro, I've got enough buffs and debuffs for party. I can say that terror or plague fire would increase it but I prefer aggro.
So it means like I tought that Damage Resistance is increasing effectivnes of "In to Frey". About Recovery I know it is good choice because of AP Gain and faster cooldown on skills. I've got about 8k Recovery on my GF with 8 rank Silvery enchantments. It is helpfull also with using "Rising Threat" much more often you use…
They are just mad because they will not be able soon to turn on their bots on Leadership, this is called mutiny. Other people are suffering because of this.
How this all will look like with attacks, siege for example my guild castle, stronghold. I am interested in this will it be plunder from resources or guild bank items or will it require repairs after loose? How often other guilds will be able to attack my guild, will this require both side acceptation? Guilds which are…