Quest: The Rise of a New Leader Description: Neverwinter's scouts and spies have been bringing infos for weeks on a possible coup from the Cult of the Dragon. Lot's of kidnapping, caravans robbed and attempts of invasion in the city... but all of sudden, the Cult went silent....maybe it's time to investigate. A few tips:…
So, as far as the Foundry goes, I cannot 2 ways to finish a quest, but i can create two ways to reach the end of the quest.... I'll have to change the storyline a little bit, but i'll work! Thanks everyone! :D
Actually, i wanted to make the player go from point A to point B, but the whole point of the history was to force the player to forcefully walk to a point of the map. Just creating a quest objective and tell the player to go there won't create the ambiance i want for the quest... Instead, can i make an NPC move to a…
I have a question... Is it possible to make the player move from point A to point B? Let me explain... Player will get charmed/hypnotized by an NPC and will be forced to walk to a specific point of the map. Is it possible? If it's not possible, can i make the player get teleported automatically when he reaches a certain…
I hated the updates on the Winter Event! It ruined fishing! Nobody goes fishing because of the adrenaline, they go to relax... And now, out of nowhere, a skeleton appears and keeps ruining my ice fishing... Not. Fun. At. All.