1000 AD = 1 gold is the standard rate. Gold is definitely worth keeping. As the game progresses and more mods comes out you will need gold to manage enchantments. 2g 50s to remove enchantments off your gear. 5g to remove both enchantments off armor or main hand. More mods = more enchantments. Also, take in consideration…
I would ask you to check us out but I'm not a fan of Miller Light, lol. If you were named Sam Adams, I would welcome you with open arms and see if you had a case behind you. Regardless, hit me up @ AznNxt and let's hang out and I can tell you all about the guild I'm in.
Soloing regular dungeons has it perks (gold farming) but I wouldn't waste your time if you're a rogue, GWF, or trapper. You can easily solo Epic Cloak Tower on your own. My suggestion to you is to keep plugging away at the T1's and hopefully you can meet a few good people and join up in a guild. That will open a door of…
It seems I have better luck with loot drops when I get a "Great Success" over just "Completed Encounter". I just get subway tokens (coins) and turtle shells (enchant) when I get just the completed. I've gotten drac boots, drac gloves, and a db bow on the "great success" some of the times. It was a lot, so don't think I got…
You dont get quest credit for epic dungeons, unfortunately. You must run the dungeon on regular to complete the quest. Also, its a pain because you have to go to Vellosk and run to the entrance to queue up for normal GWD.
Gamertag: AznNxt 11.9k CW MoF (add control) 12.1k HR trapper (add control) I'll run with any of you if needed. Making friends and playing with good people is worth more than 1,000,000 AD to me.
Hey OP, Look me up on XBL, AznNxt, I'll run with you and help you get up that GS. The kicking is absurd and I feel your pain. I don't mind running T1's to help people. Making 1k AD off loot is better than nothing or getting booted in T2's, I say. Hope to hear from you soon, If not, good luck.
I could not agree with you more on this post. I'm also a trapper and 98% of the time were the dominating the DPS chart by beating rogues by millions of points. Jealousy, maybe. Loot kicked, most likely. Ignorant players, definitely.
Hi! We have gamers on the west coast spanning east. Some of us are insomniacs so you'll see us on burning the night oil. If you just want a friendly group who don't care what your class or race is (character or real life) then this is the place for you. We talk on mumble and we don't live for the game. it just so happens…
We don't care if you're new. Our guild is just a friendly guild who plays for fun and don't strive to be the best guild out there. We have backgrounds in WoW and SWTOR. That's a plus! We talk on Mumble (paid chat) so if you hate to type...or like to listen to us talk about other things besides neverwinter. We just like to…
my guild is small cuz we don't believe in a large group. too much organization and drama. we have 20 and it lately you will see about all of us during a week. no were not on at the same time since we have families, careers (yea careers, not jobs), overseas (European) and/or have a real social life. some of us actually see…
if they cant fix the ongoing bugs, how can they possibly do that? we just have to deal with two types of gameplay in the same room. people will just have to learn to be patient until the new module will come out and the speed runs wont be as frequent as they are now. its F2P...no one will ever be happy. its take take take…
im looking on the bright side with the long wait. I have the cleanest desk east of the Mississippi. I mean this is the most organize desk the world has ever seen and I cant find a **** thing I put away. having long wait time makes a man do stupid things like cleaning, laundry and ugh...cuddle time with the G/F. my G/F is…
first of all, don't listen to lostmarbleshere. ive seen a couple ofhis postings and pretty much talks down about the game. yet he is still here. secondly, the pack does have some good stuff and some bad stuff that you might not care for. the one thing I see that is of great value and will help you get going is the 600k AD.…
This happens to me my favorite thread ever. At first, I'm all pissy about the idea and basis of a "speed run" and now I kinda understand. I get the boredom is starting to kick in doing the same dungeon, fighting the same mobs and running the same route is losing it's flare. Like doing dread vault as the only dungeon daily.…
Maybe to stop the spamming ormaybe they clocked out for the day and forgot to turn the chat back on. you got admit...its kinda nice to not see the chat bar filled with spams
holy HAMSTER, thank you for this guide cuz it made me realize im not doing my job in dungeons. many GWFs mustbe cursing my name when I use ice storm. didn't know the role of GWFs. in my defense I only used it in mobs that seemed to overwhelm the party or a cleric. I didn't know how the shield would help me but after…
so no new content for people who don't play well with others? no new level cap? no new classes? pretty much the new module caters to gamers who love PvP with a twist of PvE. I thought T2 equipment is already available now? what about the existing bugs that's happening now? is this going to be filled with quests just to be…