As i said in another post game is not progressing it is degression when u take and don.t give. There is no way to go but down. they said that there scaling was to keep game progressing while letting new players do low level areas this is a joke just make the lower areas give less to higher players . of course you can still…
well the question was SCALING or EXPLOIT i do understand that scaling drops you to a lower dps but this person had a lack of all gear rings boots belt cape nothing and i do upper dungeons and lower dungeons with clerics that are dps builds they never out do me that much if at all.
the main problem is 3mins is about all they last i get 20% in that time on dps but getting there in time to do it . not always fun or applicable in real life schedule
Did we get new content ? all i see is rehash of stronghold area and demons from mantol . this was no big input of new things . Always when new "Mod" comes zen exchange starts to drop some ,this time it went up we are back to 18 mill back log . I do love the game and mechanics, but if there is a year to wait after getting…
I have played over 5 years and have seen many times there was change in prices on ah before a mod is released on pc. Just recently u seen companions change at that time a month before release u could get a bullete pup for less than 70 k AD . all the sudden they went up to a mill+ ad then went back down month or so after…
I was laughing at the XP needed cause as soon as preview goes off on any new mod people start calling for groups and want Xp players .which if u didn't play preview you are not Xp.
played for almost 6 years got 1 legendary mount , had bought 50 keys and got it on 3 key it is RNG. the issue now is nothing really good in lockboxs except the mounts . also they seem to be the carrot they dangle infront of you so that you buy keys to gamble on it . If not they would sell legendary mounts in zen shop
ya rubber banding is back . got say its not as bad when well of dragons came out on a dragon run u had 60 to70 zones open and 5 or more groups running dragons also at that time astral seal used by multiple clerics would cause lag . that was worse than the rubber banding now but any does make the game not so fun.
i been playing Hr; now ranger for 5 years seen the ups and downs at 1 time we where pretty much non killable with life steal. i play a hybrid build with over 160 k power and do fine in dung with other types of dps but i do have a lot in my ranger , and to see other class s with lot less in there toon doing same or near…
I myself have 80 appropriate gear and can get 26 k + Ilvl but to do real damage have to use %damage gear which puts lvl back too 23 k +no big deal for now but next mod it will be . warden HR in which we need all help we can get since devs took away 65 % of our encounters and nerfed the 1s they left.
all I got from any of those answers are .We ARE LOOKING IN TOO IT. that's a politician or publicist answer . not a real answer but something to put off the person asking.
What we've got here is failure to communicate. (Axl Rose, "Civil War") wrong that statement is from Cool Hand Luke made by captain played by Strother Martain copied by axl rose
I did not call for nerf there has been to many of those that did not fix a thing . I just made the statement that clerics are now running top dps which if I read blog s and post right . there is 3 class's that are soloy dps class. and that's not correct. and why make a class that can heal and turn that in to a damage…